
What do you mean an eye for an eye makes the world blind?

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What do you mean an eye for an eye makes the world blind?




  1. I am blind Mindy.

  2. Its a quote from an Indian Freedom Fighter Mahatma Gandhi if u ve heard bout him.He was a person who never believed in violence..... He believed that India could be freed from the British rule without violence , but by  non- co-operation wid d British.An eye for an eye basically mean t*t for tat policy .According to him it is t*t for tat policy bcoz of which ppl dont understnd wat 's good and bad.

    A well quoted statement..

  3. an eye for an eye -- Mosaic (ergo old) law of revenge (he hits you in the **** you hit him back there)..

    this statement is a parody

    if we keep this law, people of the world will go blind, because each of us sins (sigh) greatly..

  4. Do the math !!!

  5. You hit me in the eye and I am blind in one eye, so I hit you back in the eye and you are blind in one eye.  Then you hit me back in my other eye, and I am totally blind, so I hit you back in your eye and you are totally blind.  If all followed the principle of and eye for an eye, we would all end up blind.  So, the message is to not hit back.

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