
What do you mean by ancestry!?!?

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what do you mean by ancestry!?!?!

i don't get it!!!

call me stupid

but i need to know what an ancestry

before i do my homework ...




  1. "family or ancestral descent; lineage. " --

    You're making a family tree, right? Or  a pedigree?

    Make a light line down the center of your work sheet. Put your name at the center bottom with a short vertical line . List your mother and father above you. Fathers are usually on the left side, mothers on the right, but follow your teacher's instructions. Under your father's name put the country or countries his parents came from or the diseases he has, or eye color,etc., whatever your teacher wants. Do the same for your mother. Draw a short vertical line above each of them and list their parents, always keeping the same form, father on the left, mother on the right. List their country of origin.  Keep going as far as you can.  Old family bibles sometimes are a help if you can translate them!

    It will look like the branches of a tree angling down to you at the base of the trunk.  

      You could be Norwegian, German, and American on your dad's side of the family.  Your mother might have Italian, Greek, and Cherokee Indian on her side!

    Good luck.  Be sure to talk to your older relatives.  You'll be amazed at what you find out.

    Check out some of the free genealogy websites.

  2. its like people that lived WAY before you your ancestors....ppl the ppl that came over from where ever they came your great great grandma's parents or grandparents...

  3. it's just the people in your family that came before you

  4. It is your family tree.........your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. all the way back to the begining of time and where they all came from.  Every generation back, the number of ancestors you have for that generation doubles.  For example:  You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 great-great-great-grandparents, and so on.  It really gets crazy.  If you go back to your 44th great-grandparents, which would have lived around 800 AD, you have over 70 trillion 44th great-grandparents.  That far exceeds the population of the planet now (currently estimated at 6.78 billion).  So obviously, you descend from of the same people multiple times; and this is also why we are all related.

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