
What do you mean by extrapolation?

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What do you mean by extrapolation?




  1. Main Entry: ex·trap·o·late

    Pronunciation: ik-'stra-p&-"lAt

    Function: verb

    Inflected Form(s): -lat·ed; -lat·ing

    Etymology: Latin extra outside + English -polate (as in interpolate) -- more at EXTRA-

    transitive verb

    1 : to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval

    2 a : to project, extend, or expand (known data or experience) into an area not known or experienced so as to arrive at a usually conjectural knowledge of the unknown area <extrapolates present trends to construct an image of the future> b : to predict by projecting past experience or known data <extrapolate public sentiment on one issue from known public reaction on others>

    intransitive verb : to perform the act or process of extrapolating

    - ex·trap·o·la·tion  /-"stra-p&-'lA-sh&n/ noun

    - ex·trap·o·la·tive  /-'stra-p&-"lA-tiv/ adjective

    - ex·trap·o·la·tor  /-"lA-t&r/ noun

  2. Prediction of values by a statistical model outside of or beyond the range of the data used to estimate the model. A real estate developer predicting office absorption in the year 2008, based on a regression model of actual data from 1990 through 2000, would be extrapolating.

    Extrapolation is also John McLaughlin's debut solo album

  3. Hi Christianne..................I do have the  answer to ur ques:

    Extrapolation means:

    calculation, computation, estimate, estimation, forecast, guess, prognostication, reckoning

    1. to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.  

    2. Statistics. to estimate (the value of a variable) outside the tabulated or observed range.  

    3. Mathematics. to estimate (a function that is known over a range of values of its independent variable) to values outside the known range.

    In mathematics, extrapolation is the process of constructing new data points outside a discrete set of known data points. It is similar to the process of interpolation, which constructs new points between known points, but its results are often less meaningful, and are subject to greater uncertainty.

    It means estimating a function at a point which is larger than (or smaller than) all the points at which the value of the function is known.

    Geographical Dictionary extrapolation

    The prediction of a value made by projecting the trend shown by a set of data into the future

    Business Dictionary Extrapolation

    Prediction of values by a statistical model outside of or beyond the range of the data used to estimate the model.

    In numerical analysis, Richardson extrapolation is a sequence acceleration method, used to improve the rate of convergence of a sequence

    Typically, the quality of a particular method of extrapolation is limited by the assumptions about the function made by the method. If the method assumes the data is smooth, then a non-smooth function will be poorly extrapolated.

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