
What do you mean by nano technology

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what do you mean by "nano" term




  1. it is a small car but it is the best of all it can work with less fuel in the speed of 280km if you will by this you will be a greatful person

    nano means smallest but the cuteist of all

    na = i m big

    no =  not small

    nano = i m big not small

  2. nano.. means very tiny particle .. It's 10raise to power -9 cc

  3. Nanotechnology refers to a field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology is approximately 100 nanometers or smaller and involves developing materials or devices within that size.

    You know... its something like getting all your meals on a single pill...

    Hope to see it in the future...!!!

    Modern Science: nano–


    A prefix meaning one billionth.

  4. nano means 10 to the power of -9. i.e 1 divided by 1000000000.

    nano technology means the technique of manipulating, controlling the natural structure and arrangement of atoms to suit different purposes.

    this field has a great future. its application are as follows-

    1. nano reactors

    2. nano tubes which can act as filters

    these are some examples of many

    hope this helps

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