
What do you mean by "A stitch in time saves nine"?

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I've read this quote a thousand time in different books and sites, but I've never understood it. Please give me an example (if you can) along with the explanation. Thanks :D




  1. It's about not letting things get out of control by inaction.

    It means that a prevention up front will save a lot of work later. It can mean this literally as in dealing with objects, or figuratively as in dealing with people.

    If you have a small tear in the seam of your shirt and you mend it right away, it won't grow larger, but if you ignore it, it will probably get bigger and bigger.

    It's like a run in a stocking, dab a little clear nail polish on the thing when it starts and the problem is stopped, but let it go, and there will be a big run in no time.

    In relationships, addressing a small disagreement will often prevent it from becoming a big deal.

    Putting out a little fire will prevent it from becoming a huge blaze.

    That's a "stitch in time." A small action now (one stitch) saves a larger action later (nine stitches.)

  2. meaning solve the problem when it is acute or small and dont wait till the last moment when the problem gets out of hand

    example in real life------ global warming

  3. If you fix a problem when it first becomes a problem (a stitch in time) you will avoid having to fix a bigger problem later (save yourself 9 stitches).

  4. when the cloth is torn just a bit - only one stitch could have mend it. But if not attended duly, then the tearing would grow and later it may require nine stitches to mend then.

  5. Try to imagine it in a sewing sense. When you have a small tear on your clothes, a stitch now will save it from getting bigger, where you'll have to do nine stitches.

    It essentially means don't procrastinate. Fix or do something now, so it doesn't become a bigger problem later.

  6. Well, it is a very literal quote........... for example if you notice the hem of a skirt has lost a or one stitch and you do not take the time to repair that one missing stitch a few days latter you could be putting your skirt on,catch your toe in the gap from the missing stitch, and tear it hem. So you now can not wear the skirt with out repairing a large part of the hem. So in stead of the skirt initially only needing one stitch it now needs nine or more :)

  7. A similar quotation is " Nip in the bud".

    If u r able to take corrective measure at the first instant u come to know of some error or wrong it will be best because if it is neglected in the beginning the problem or the defect will aggrevate and grow into a big threat and difficult to cure.

    ex : if somebody gets some health problem,if is treated at the first stge the disease can be cured easily.if the cloth is stitched at the time it gets torn for the first time,it will be easy than to permit the cloth to get torn at more places and it will be difficult to sttich at 9 places.

  8. Meaning; fix it now, before it becomes a bigger problem later.

    Example; you have a leak in your bathroom.  You fix it now, no problem.  You fix it nine months from now, you have damaged your house a great deal.

  9. This saying rightly applies Bajji's case. When he was doing and creating all this fuss in the past all the officials supported him. He grew to this extent of slapping Sree yesturday. Had Bajji been punished severely this day would not have come. So a stitch in time-means if somebody had repaired bajji initially, saves nine-all this hulla gulla would not have been there.

  10. You can minimize a problem by taking a small corrective action now rather than waiting to later on. For example, if your clothes seam comes loose, refastening it with one stitch now will save you from having to make nine stitches tomorrow when the seam has loosened even more. Expanding on that, if there is a small plumbing leak in your house today and you fix it now, it will be less work than if you wait for a ceiling to be ruined too.

    Time and nine almost rhyme making for a catchy easy to remember phrase, but you could as easily say, "A stitch in time saves six" or eleven, etc. to get the point.

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