
What do you mean by vertical farming ????

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What do you mean by vertical farming ????




  1. Vertical farming is a proposal to perform agriculture in urban high-rises. These building have been called "farmscrapers." Using greenhouse methods and recycled resources, these building would produce fruit, vegetables, fish, and livestock year-round in cities. This proposal might allow cities to become self-sufficient.

    Dickson Despommier has promoted most recent research. Despommier is a professor of environmental health sciences and microbiology at Columbia University in New York City, New York.

    There have been architectural designs by Andrew Kranis, Columbia University; Gordon Graff , University of Waterloo; Chris Jacobs[(Creative Director of United Future) of Los Angeles, California; and SOA Architects in Paris, France (Augustine Rosenstiehl and Pierre Sartoux).

    Mass media attention began with an article by Lisa Chamberlin in New York Magazine. Since 2007, articles have appeared in The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Popular Science and Maxim, among others, as well as radio and television features


  3. vertical integration of farming is controlling all levels of the supply chain. I assume this is what you mean. For example if you are a chicken farmer you would grow your own feed for your chickens and then have your own market to sell them when they are ready to be eaten. That is verticaly integrating yourself into the supply system.

  4. i have raised shire horses for over 40 years. in all my shire farming experience i have never heard this term. i assume it is made up.

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