
What do you mean by volley in volleyball?

by Guest61028  |  earlier

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What do you mean by volley in volleyball?




  1. you volley the ball rofl

    look it up in a dictionary

  2. a volley in most sports is hitting a ball without letting it bounce. so in volleyball its refering to any sets digs and spikes that happen in play.

  3. Main Entry: 2volley

    Function: verb

    Inflected Form(s): vol·leyed; vol·ley·ing

    1 : to shoot in a volley

    2 : to hit an object (as a ball) while it is in the air before it touches the ground

  4. in volleyball, each team gets three hits to get the ball back over the net (usually goes pass, set, spike). when there is a volley, it's when both teams successfully pass, set, and hit the ball back over the net to each other multiple times without a point being scored or the ball hitting the ground.

  5. you just hit it back and forth and not try to score on each other

  6. A volley is often referred to as a set of plays in a game in which the object of the sport, usually a ball, passes from team to team for possession. This mainly only fits for volleyball, tennis and ping-pong. A volley is basically like a football play in the sense that it is the play going where the ball continues to pass over the net.

    I'm phrasing this confusingly, but I think I've explained well enough.

  7. a volley is when it goes back in forth between teams... like if it goes from one team to another 4 times before it hits the floor it volleyed 4 times.

  8. Volley basically just means play. Usually, though, it's playing before an official game, without a score so that whoever wins the volley or play is the one who serves it up first.

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