
What do you mean by water shortage? When there's so much water in the sea?

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  1. The salt in sea water came from rain water leaching the land of minerals.

    Millions of years ago the water in the sea was not salty. As the millions of years of rain fall that eventually fell to land was washed out to sea the minerals it took with it built up and after time the salt levels in the sea rose. Fresh water can be reclaimed form the sea in desalination plants. The short story is it requires a lot of energy to boil enough water to distill it. It is not economically viable yet. Also the desalinisation process is not very good for the soil as the concentration of salt in the soil is increased and prevents plants for growing, affecting agriculture..

    Good question

  2. Shortage of water.


    I think is the shortage of fresh water in sea.

    100% of the whole earth, 70% is land.

    out of the 30% of water, 97% of the water is salt water.

    out of 3% of fresh water. 2/3 are lock as ice-caps.

    the rest are rivers or waterfalls, etc

    now you see the water shortage?

  3. the sea water is so salty that we cant use for our regular usages  this salt water cant be used for drinking,bathing washing abundant sea water is  useless in this matter

  4. The water in the sea is salt water!

    We will never run out of water on earth because water is an indestructible resource. We do however run short at times with usable fresh water.

  5. You cannot drink sea water.

  6. Even there is a lot of water in the sea, it is not sutable for so much of our requirements. more over the most polluted water in the earth is the sea water. We need to spend a considerable amound of money to make the water as like the water that we are using in our daily requiremnts or in the industrial application. we can not able to drink even a cup of sea water even we are not able to get some packged water /purified water. In this meaning day by day the availability of water is reducing even a lot of wateravailable in the sea. The meaning of water shortage even there's so much of water in the sea is theat there is the shortage of pure water for the nature.

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