
What do you mean you forgot the chicken nuggets?

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What do you mean you forgot the chicken nuggets?




  1. Hey man, i work at McDonalds (and no, I'm not a lifer, I'm 17 lol)

    Sure some people have a poor work ethic, trust me i know, but the majority of the time we're trying hard to finish the order and move onto the next one.

    put yourself in my shoes. its 1:00 pm, the busiest time of the day. we're all hauling *** to finish each order as fast as possible but accurately as well.

    we're all human, and we all make mistakes, especially when its busy

    the best thing you can do is talk to the cashier and say we forgot your nuggets. nine times out of ten they're sitting right there and just were never put on your tray.

  2. Really bad service. I demand to speak to your manager!

  3. Sorry, i was too busy picking my nose and talking to my girlfriend on my sidekick while serving you your Happy Meal!

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