
What do you miss about the place you used to live?

by Guest56623  |  earlier

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and what do you like about the place you live now?




  1. i miss the way things were, thats all. i had no routine, but i miss the things i used to do, the people i hung out with, the general approval of it all

  2. my best friend. i have the best girl friend

  3. scenery and summer.. met new people in the place i do now

  4. The place I used to live is about 3000 miles away, and I miss it terribly!! It is true, that old saying you don't know what you got till it is gone! I miss my family the convenience of a perfectly set town, close to the Ocean and mountains and all things familiar. Now the only thing I like about living here (GA) is the birds, sunsets and sunrises. Everything else is depressing.

  5. My mom and dad. I miss saturday nights with pizza my little sister and my parents.

    However I love the freedom of my new house.

    And that everything in it is what I have earnt :]

  6. miss friends and the ladies I was :popular" with.

    Now big city lots to do.

  7. I used to live within a few minutes of all the shopping/doctors/hospitals whatever I might need. Now I have to travel 20 to 30 minutes to get to decent shopping and so-so doctors. I used to be able to travel about 20 minutes to get to a indoor shopping mall, now I have to travel an hour to get to the closest one, and it's not all that great.

    Sadly the best part about where I am living now is the job that I work at, the people there are great. And yes you got it, I have to travel about 25 minutes to get there 5 days a week.

  8. I've lived in the same place and same house my whole life! i like it but i just wish our house was bigger.

  9. the character and charm I miss.  The good school for my child is the ONLY thing I like now.  I live in a $300,000 moldy dump 40 year old needs to be torn down, but I like the school.

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