
What do you miss most about being a kid?

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im sure a lot of us miss things from our kid lives.

i am only 14 and i can think of a whole list of things i miss.

what about you guys? what do you miss about being a kid?

p.s yess for all you smart people this is for my english speech, i have many ideas but just wondering if any of you have any better ones?

please and thanks




  1. I miss a stress free life. No deadlines for homework. No school problems. No boy problems. No problems with friends.

    I didn't have to worry about my appearnce. No pressure to be the skinniest girl. I didn't have to keep up with the latest fashion statments. I didn't have to have the most popular hair style.

    I could enjoy the simple was a worry free life...

  2. Being bill free; thinking that relationships were perfect - not realizing that marriage really is work; sleeping in; homework, really just learning; having free time to hang out, and not using the free time for laundry and cleaning; watching cartoons instead of the news; wanting babies - now I have to take care of them.

  3. having full weekends, finishing school at 3.30pm, cute clothes n boys, not having to cook or clean, pay rent or bills, sleeping in - everything!

  4. I miss Nick!

    You know the GOOD cartoons!

    I miss staying out until dark playing with all the kids on my block while my mom yelled at me to come in and eat diner.

    I missed the time when there weren't computers and iPods.

    I miss rugrats, the most.  

  5. i miss mii primary skool and all my frends from 1st skool but we have all moved ona nd found new frends and we never talk anymore and i miss it.

    i also miss there being no cliques and stuff just everyone was the same and mixed up

    and i miss playtime/recess and the games we used too play and EVRYTHING being  14 sucks!

  6. I miss the lack of responsibility and stress as a kid.

    Being a grown up sucks.

  7. being able to pee my pants

  8. actually having free time and no bills. you are still a kid, enjoy it

  9. I miss watching power rangers, not worrying about friggin' tests and exams, not having to always be 'mature' or act my age (parents) and having an excuse to buy barbies (lol). and my friends from back then.

  10. new experiences

  11. I miss a stress free life (no boy, school or friend trouble), the times whe everyone was friends with everyone else, handball, when i didn't care about fashion or appearance, finishing school at 2.45, swimming everyday, swimming at the river afterschools (still do that actually haha), doing stupid things like making mud cakes and playing lava on the playgroud, i miss the dairy who gave us free ice creams across from school, i miss dancing and singing to the spice girls and britney spears hahaha and not being nervous around boys i like, going trick or treating, being scared sh*tless from scary stories at camp or sleepovers... (im 15 now)

  12. no homework

    no job

    no periods

    no stress

    no perfect Hollywood bodies

    easier classes

    nice teachers

    parents actually pay attention

    no fears of death, illness, pregnancy or being killed

    no cliques

    not that close to worry about collage

  13. I miss sleeping late on weekends and sleeping late in the summer.Swimming all day,not having responsibilities like work,kids rent etc.I miss Nickoledeon and go carts.I miss ricki lake that show was hilarious!!! i miss innocence before we knew about war,and death and illness.I miss my mom tucking me into bed and reading me stories I miss being sick and having my mom spoil and stay at my bedside when I had a tummy bug I miss my hair being brushed back from my forhead untill I feel asleep(my mom used to do that).I miss my dad most of all back when I thought he was perfect and no one could tell me other wise and i thought i wasd right all the time.I miss my grand-parents.I miss my childhood friends.i miss school yup I said it lol.I miss recess and pizza fridays.I miss bicycles and yoyo's and penny candy.I miss when 1.00 bought you alot at the corner store.I miss the days before cell phones,computers,laptops etc came.I miss the days when gas was 2.00 or less and a ride all over CT was fun especially in summer and fall.

  14. RECESS!!!! man back in the day. and of course NICKELOADEAN!! nick is such BS today, they have so many g*y shows.  

  15. childhood friends and they have got married !

  16. I miss recess. I miss having ONE teacher for everything. I miss that there were no "Cliques" or "Groups". I miss that people weren't so quick to judge. I miss not having to worry about much. I miss the good cartoons and movies. I miss my old friendhsips and being able to sit on ymyparent's lap's. I miss not worrying about what other people think. =/

  17. Recess

  18. Wow, I miss like everything!

    i guess most of all I miss being in kindergarten when everyone was a friend unless you stole their crayons. You know, like the innocence and ignorance of being a kid--when we used to be able to worry about all the little things (like where our crayons went) because we didn't have to worry about things like passing final exams and jobs and stuff. I guess having everything provided for you too? Even though it is nice to do things for yourself when your older!!

    -hope I helped?

  19. I miss not having to pay bills and not having kids.

  20. Field trips and getting away with a lot of things that a 14 couldnt get away with now...

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