
What do you moms think of Sarah Palin?

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My husband and I were discussing the upcoming election last night and my husband (who is an avid Obama supporter)said the only reason McCain chose Palin as his running mate was to appeal to 'the soccer mom's' and ride some of the Hilary Clinton 'women in politics' heatwave. Well what do you mom's think of her? Just curious to see if my husbands theory might be right......Is she appealing to you b/c she's a working mom?




  1. i really don't know enough about her to get a good feel for whether she'll be a good pick for vice president but of course any staunch democrat is going to look for fault in the pick.  if he had picked a black running mate they'd say he had done so to try to steal some obama voters. the reality is that if you are  on the same page with the candidate and like the direction they are headed in then you will vote for that person, regardless of what race, age and s*x they are. i hate it when people try to stereotype and fit people into these neat little sexist/racist boxes.

    if he had picked a really young good looking guy they would say he's trying to appeal to the younger generation, if he had picked a hispanic person they'd say he's playing to the immigrants.

  2. I think it is interesting & in my opinion no where even remotely close to Hilary Clinton.

    I would have only voted for Hilary if I had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils.

    If I was asked which potential VP appeals to me more, it is definitely Palin.

  3. As a working mother I have to say that does not factor into my support of her at all.  It is her stand on issues that are important to me that appeals to me.  For me it's not the women in politics view, that is a very narrow minded, unhealthy way to look at thing (in my opinion).  You want the most qualified person.

  4. Her gender and her position as a mother has no influence on my decision. I would hope that McCain chose her not because she is a woman, but because he thinks she would be a suitable person to head the Senate and replace him as President if he were to die before leaving office.

    Whether she has a v****a has no bearing on what kind of a leader she is, so I truly hope that your husband is wrong.  

  5. I think your husband's theory is right, but that doesn't make her appeal to me.  

  6. I think your husband is right, at least partially.  I wonder where her special needs baby fits into the life of hunting, pro-life activism, and holding a public office.  I can't imagine working such a demanding job with a brand new infant, especially one with Down's syndrome.

    BTW, I can't help but wonder if she also believes in abstinence-only s*x education.  

  7. As a woman who chose NOT to be a mother I think McCain winning the election would be a very bad thing for anyone who could potentially need an abortion.

  8. No, she is appealing to me because of her already great record as a politician and because of her stance on political issues that are important to me. I don't judge other moms for working and I certainly will not start with her. I think she is a brilliant choice for VP, second best only to Bobby Jindal.

  9. I agree with your husband on why she is the VP choice - with that said, I'm not a fan. I also don't see how she can have such a young child with down's but be willing to be on the road so much campaigning. So to answer your question, she doesn't appeal much to me at all.

    [Sorry to all the McCain/Palin supporters, just my opinion!]

  10. I think she's great, but not just because she's a working mom.  In fact, I would have appreciated her more if she had been a stay at home mom.  However, what I DO like about her, is that she seems to have great family values, and she seems to be like you or me.  She's not one of those "I'm above the rest" type of politicians.  She seems to relate very well to the average woman.  She looks like someone you might see at a highschool ball game or a PTA meeting.  I also think she seems very sincere when she speaks.

  11. yes i am excited.  she has 5 children!!  with one being what not even a year, and he has down.  i think it's great!!  i am a republican, and i wasn't too sure about mccain, because of his age, and some of his views.  but i knew for sure i was going to vote for obama.  so this has definetely changed my perspective of him, and i think it is defintetely going to help him as far as clinton supporters.  that is the whole point, and it's hilarious because it's so obvious.  but i wasn't going to vote for clinton either.  

  12. I think she is appealing because of her standards. If you look at her record she has a 98% approval rate in Alaska as a Governor. 98%! That is just unheard of, congress has a 13% approval rating.

    I think she makes a lot of good decisions and has a very strong belief system that she sticks to. Even if I don't agree with all of what she believes in, it's better that someone knows what they believe in , sticks to it, rather than hearing one thing and having them do another.

  13. She appeals to me because she's a family person. I enjoy politics, but I definitely think it's time to have a mother in the office. I think that she brings a nice change to the table and may have some refreshing new ideas. I also like the way she addressed her daughter's pregnancy. She showed how supportive she is of her children and family regardless of the mistakes they make. I think that is a great characteristic for someone held in high esteem by the nation.  

  14. I am very pleased with Palin.  Most of which is for her politics.  She is very popular in Alaska.  I like that she is from a different point of view than most politicians.  She is from a different state, fresh ideas, a mom, and she seems to have a better idea what is like to me a normal American than 95% of the politicians in high offices.

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