
What do you most miss about your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

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What do you most miss about your first boyfriend/girlfriend?




  1. the love.. lol everything really

  2. Sexually active

  3. his hugs. :(

  4. The innocence of hold hands and walking to Kindergarten together while our parents followed half a block back. Of course, this was in 1970.

  5. Absolutely nothing! :)

  6. the way he was sweet and caring and not a commitment phobe like some guys

  7. Nothing at all.

  8. Well my first REAL boyfrined..

    I miss how i could do anything and say anything to him, with

    out getting pissed or embarresed. Or weirded out.

    And we could talk about us really easily.

    And he didnt want to do anything I didnt want to.

    & thats how a good relationship should be.

  9. I don't miss him. We were both too young to date.

  10. Nothing

    he was a bad kisser

    and the a**hole cheated on me

  11. The smell of her beautiful hair.

    Oh, and she was one heck of a kisser!!  WOW!

  12. Hmm... Actually... he wasn't even my boyfriend... I barely knew... but I truly miss everything about him...  

  13. the fact that he paid for everything

  14. I miss everything about him. Now I realize how perfect he is...but it's to late.  

  15. our late night conversations. current boyfriend is semi-rapist.  

  16. how that i relize now

    that he was the only one that cared so much about me =/

  17. Everything.

  18. i never had one :( but im 15 so its all good!

  19. Looking back nothing. He was really funny and fun to be around and it was a great time in my life of learning and living but it was just that a learning experience.

  20. that we're not friends anymore because he changed schools.

  21. Butterflies & hope in new exploration

  22. his blue eyes, his sweet smile, his messy dirty blonde hair, and our long talks on the trampoline. :(

  23. the look he always gave me when he saw me :(

  24. my diamond ring he stole from me

  25. How awesome making out was back then. I don't miss how ignorant i was though... i totally could have grabbed some boobage and didn't even know.... *sigh* a childs ignorance.

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