
What do you need besides a desktop computer and modem to make my new laptop mobile?

by  |  earlier

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I, have just bought my wife a new laptop, computer and she wants to know, how far or what else you need to use it on the internet. We, understood from the salesman, that since we have a desktop computer with modem, we have only a certain range we can go with out losing the internet connection. Now I, do not know that much about laptops and was told you can get a flash drive from her cell phone provider, However how much is the cost of such a service. I, would think you would be able to go anywhere as long as you have a signal. Thank you for your reponse.




  1. if you want to use the iernet at home it is  quite siple go  to your local computer shop and ask for an ethernet switch the  will know what you are talking about and it should cost about 25 dolars i buy mine for 25 and you will als need ethernet cable now if you want to have the laptop a few meters away youonly need a few meters if you want it on the other end of the house youo may need 30m this will cost any ware between 2-25 depending on thngth and the place yu buy it at than you will need to unpug the cable bue cable that goes into the back of your computer and plug it into the switch you will then need to plug the ethernet cable int the switch and than the laptop you will also need 1 m of ethernet to go to the computer

    hope your internet sup and working soon  

  2. Router, depends on what laptop you got contact me for additional help. If your going to go fully mobile a dongle hook up to a cell phone can turn the cell phone into a modem with internet cell phone support.

  3. You have to buy a Router, if she doesnt want to have her movement restricted by the network cable then buy a wireless router. You can share the net if your desktop has two NIC cards but that can get complicated setting up, its easier/faster to just by the router.

  4. you should get an air card look into it on any electronic site you can go anywhere with it.

  5. If you don't have a router, you will need one. To make it mobile.. you should go to AT&T or Verizon or somewhere and buy a card. They will help you out at the store. Hope you get it working! (= I have a laptop.

  6. Aircards (cellular service based) tend to be free with offers from their respective companies though the monthly service costs will vary.

    For At&T the cost would be $60.00/month

    For Sprint the cost would be $59.99/month

    T-Mobile does not offer a standalone date plan nor any independent aircard

    For Verizon the cost would be $59.99/month

    These plans do not have any cellphone related services only the date plan. They will require contract and will have other limitations as well. Please look at the fine print before signing any contract with the mentioned providers.  

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