
What do you need on a month long vacation to an island?

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Im going to the Dominican Republic for a whole month. What are some things I will obviously need?




  1. The Dominican Republic is a sunny country. You will need a lot of lotion, a book teaching Spanish, and an umbrella to block the sunlight or a cap will be fine also. You will obviously need some money to use while you go there. If you wish, you would want to visit their capital, Santo Domingo, which is quite popular. Bring some sunglasses by the way, the sun could be burning you!!! Oh yeah, sunscreen is a must bring.

  2. Also, check with your bank and make sure that any charges you make will not incur a Foreign Fee. Citibank charged me 3% on all purchases made abroad.

    Other than that, everything already mentioned plus shorts, bug spray, laptop, Skype account, sunglasses, hats, etc.

    Check out Coolibar for sun protectant clothing that is light and breathable. DR has a strong sun.

  3. Flip flops, 3 bikinis, 2 sarongs, running shoes & socks, 1 day trip backpack, 10 tank tops, 1 good pair of jeans, black dress that can be fancy or casual and sunscreen.

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