
What do you need to do if you want to become a SPECIAL ED teacher in the state of CA?

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What degrees do you need? I thought an AA in psychology would help toward my major of wanting to be a special ed teacher, but I was just told it doesn't. I just need direction as to what classes and degrees, etc to take. Anything helps, thanks




  1. Hello, I am  glad that you have a desire to enter the SPED field.  The need for SPED teachers is great! You need to go to the college website that you plan to attend and look at their SPED programs. I know that a lot of school districts are trying to find people like you. LAUSD has a program to assist candidates in obtaining a credential in SPED. I would suggest two sites that you should go to this site allows you to locate a specific college. the other site have answers to becoming a teacher and also you can check the credentialing dept. Good luck.

  2. Most likely a BA of Ed in Special Education.  Yet any Bachelor Degree will most likely get you a temporary license, depending on how desperate the school district is.  I teach in VA, so I'm not sure about CA laws, yet I know all states have similarities.  My advice is only get an AA to transfer to a four year school.

  3. I am a special education teacher in California, and I love my job!  Like many of my colleagues, I'm in my 50s and won't be around forever, so I am always happy to assist people who want to become special educators.

    Your AA in psychology won't lead you directly to a specialist credential, but you are halfway to a BA degree, which is the first step.  My best advice to you is to check out this website:

    It gives you great information on the whole process of becoming a special education teacher in California - everything you need to know in a very well-organized format.  Good luck!

  4. Get a BS in Special education.  Depending on what school you are at you may need to decide what part of special education...autism, early childhood, etc...when you graduate with your degree you will need to take the California state exam in order to transfer your teaching certificate over from the state you got your certificate in.  More than likely you will be allowed to teach with your out of state certificate, but you may want to check with the employer...transfering the certificates takes a while.  A minor in psychology wouldnt hurt but you can also minor in different types of special education training.  Also talk to some of you professors about doing what is called TEACCH training.  It is a way to set up your classroom with different areas for specific things.  A lot of schools are getting into this.  Good luck and I hope this helps.

  5. A four year degree is necessary. The classes within the four years determine what you will be certified to teach. most colleges have great web sites that will give you the specifics.

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