
What do you need to give up for world peace?

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what do you specifically as an individual need to give up material wise and lifestyle wise, in order to have world peace?




  1. Your mind

  2. Racism, hatred, envy, covetousness, gluttony, pride and ignorance would almost do it.  

  3. You have to give up the notion that there can be world peace.

    Learn to let go the thing you fear to lose the most.

  4. if everyone would do there part there would be world peace. Take prejudice

    for instance, everyone has some kind of prejudice against something and thats a fact. Either race, color, origin, gender, religion..... But its not wrong to have them, its the actions that come from them thats the main cause of wars. If everyone just learn to respect each other and would not be any wars.

  5. World peace in my opinion is unattainable. However I think it should still be our duty to try to come closer to it. There is no specific thing material wise which you would need to give up. Though you could always donate money, clothes, food, water, etc. to well known charities, or even pass them out yourself.

    What is more necessary for world peace would be an open mind, a determination to change things for the better, and love. You would need to leave behind anything  detrimental to a positive view of  yourself, another individual, or a group of individuals.

  6. You need to give up your unbridled idealism, and gather up some realism. I'm sorry to say this, but there will always be a Chavez, a Castro, a Mugabe, and leaders like those in Myanmar, N.Korea, Iran, etc who will mess up all you well-laid plans. I wish it were not so, but reality says it is.

  7. As long as there is something to fight for there will always be war.  For peace, we must give up everything.

  8. I guess I could buy a cow for someone in Africa.

  9. The Politicians!!

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