
What do you need to live in Russia for 5 years or longer?

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What do you need to live in Russia for 5 years or longer?




  1. bimblord haha i agree and thr Russian girls mmmhmmm plus atleast 100000 dollars if you wanna live in moscow id say 10000000 lool

  2. find a cheap appartment

  3. Vodka. As much as you can get.

  4. Russia Residence Permit

    After obtaining Temporary residence permit and residing on its basis no less than for a year foreign citizen may apply for a Residence permit. Residence permit is issued to a foreigner for 5 years and can be prolonged for another 5 years.

    Residence permit enables foreign citizen to travel to and out of Russia without visa.

    Temporary Residence Permit for Russia

    Temporary residence is a document proving the right of a foreign to reside in Russia before obtaining of Residence permit. Temporary residence permit is issued for 3 years. Temporary residence permit should be issued within 6 months from the date of applying.

    Temporary residence permit can be issued to a foreign citizen within a quota established by federal government.

    Disregarding quota Temporary residence permit can be issued to the following people:

    1. To the person that was born in USSR and was a citizen of USSR or to the person that was born in the Russian Federation.

    2. To the person declared disabled, who has a son or a daughter – citizens of Russia.

    3. To the person who has at least one disabled parent – citizen of Russia.

    4. To the person married to a citizen of Russia, who resides in Russia.

    5. To the person investing in Russia.

    Procedure of obtaining Temporary residence permit is the following:

    1. Foreign citizen applies for a visa of a temporary residing person (4 month single entry visa).

    2. Foreign citizen applies for a Temporary residence permit.

    3. After obtaining Temporary residence permit visa of a temporary residing person is prolonged.

    4. If a foreign citizen wants to exit Russia he/she should apply for an exit/entrance visa.

    Rights and obligations of Temporary residing foreign citizen:

    1. Temporary residing foreign citizen can not change at his wish place of residence within the territory of the region where he/she obtained Temporary residence permit, or to reside outside the region where he/she obtained Temporary residence permit.

    2. Temporary residing foreign citizen can not work outside the region where he/she obtained Temporary residence permit.

  5. Residency permit or a work permit/work visa valid for that amount of time or one that can be extended. But good luck trying to get either one. You are much better off going for the work permit. Residency is hard to get even if you marry a Russian citizen...

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