
What do you need to major in to work in a casino? like DeLinda does in Las Vegas?

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Its something that has always interested me, exspecially since i saw an episode of Las Vegas (tv show). So i wanted to look into it.

And yes, i know that actually working in one whould be different then the show.




  1. I'm not sure.. and don't watch the show but I do know UNLV has a major "Hotel and Casino Management" that seems it could be related to what you want.

  2. Probably just experience. Start from the ground up as a dealer, learn the business better and get in with management. Vegas probably has hundreds of opportunities like that. You could study a hotel and resort management program if you ever wanted to go directly into management. With that said, a degree won't necessarily help you into management in Vegas since it is probably a who you know business. Best bet work your way up. Also I hear valets and doormen make good cash. Good Luck.

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