
What do you need to watch hd channels on your hdtv?

by  |  earlier

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i dont have cable or satellite




  1. Some times while watching certain programs they come in High Definition  .For example, most news showings come in High Definition.When I watched Supernatural, before it came on it said that it was in High Definition but, not everything comes in High Definition on basic television.

  2. I don't know WHERE these mindless idiots that post here, like your 1st two answers, come from, but I wish they would go away.

    NO cable and NO satellite -

    For "hd channels" you would then have to get your HD over the air, by way of an antenna. This presumes you live close enough to TV station transmitters to receive a line-of-sight signal, using an indoor or outdoor (depending on distance) antenna. If you don't live close enough to get a quality signal, you are SOL. Next stop is cable or satellite, if you want HD channels.

  3. In general - you hook up an antenna to the TV and tell it to scan for channels.  You can usually get 3-10 channels (the major ABC, CBS, NBC, ..etc) for free with an antenna.

    Type your address into and it will show you a map of your home, and where the antennas are. From this it advises you what kind of antenna you need and how big.

    If you are close to the broadcast towers, a lot of people use the "Phillips Silver Sensor - Classic" indoor antenna. It does a great job for $25.

    However: a HD PVR box from your cable company or Sat provider is strongly recommended.  I'm paying $24/month for 'basic' service and I get 7 HD channels and a PVR (like a Tivo) so I never have to be home to catch my favorite channels.

    The program guides are the secret. I just tell it to record new episoded of shows my family watches and.. it just shows up.  (This is fairly important as I dont usually pay attention to when new seasons start).

  4. You'd need an HD TV, and some type of HD box from a company. You'd need digitl service, no analog, and HDMI cables.

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