
What do you need to withdraw money from the bank?

by  |  earlier

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  1. first u should have sufficient money in ur account

    second u need a cheque leaf issued from ur bank

    or u can straight away go to bank and ask for a withdrawel slip to draw cash. this slip will be given only to the accoun t holder in person with a pass book.

  2. Go to the bank where your account in located.  Do you have a checking account or saving account?  Take your last bank statement with you and they will able to walk you through the process.

  3. Your account number and your ID, whether it is a state ID or a driver's license.  There will be a form you need to fill out to withdraw from your account.  You do not need to go to the actual location you opened the account at but it does need to be the same bank.

    If you need help while there, just feel free to ask one of the employees...that is there job.

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