
What do you needed to be granted immunity from?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not the prosecutor, so be specific and detailed especially if you're going to talk about seh ex.




  1. I'm immune from sexually transmitted diseases as latex don't carry germs..

    well thats if that dirty b*stard of a postman don't do em before i do.

  2. My doctor said I carry the "R. Kelly gene;" (aka "jailbait gene") so, I have a medical reason for being a walking atrocity, and should therefore be exempt from legal prosecution.

  3. From people getting upset at my very bad puns and jokes

  4. You're doing this on purpose aren't you? These horrendous grammatical errors are making me want to puke last nights tuna casserole out from my eyeball sockets.

    I will, however, overlook these atrocities and answer your question nevertheless.

    I need immunity from sexual assault. If there was a law that I can get away with, it would be sexual assault. I mean, if she's drunk and she flirts with me the whole night by making me buy her drinks, that definitely 100% means she wants me to pound her in the back of my grandma's Oldsmobile, right? I don't see how she can say it any more clearly. So why the h**l do I keep getting subpoenas from whores that claim I slipped roofies in their drinks and forced them into my car? Roofies add flavor and I put those handcuffs on her to protect her from falliing off my race car bed.

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