
What do you or don't you like about Obama or McCain?

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What do you or don't you like about Obama or McCain?




  1. mccain is older the old and will most likely die during his time in office if here were elected. obama is kinda annoying in his own special way.  

  2. That we only get to choose between two corrupt parties in this country.

    That no campaign promise made by any politican ever has came true.

    That people lap up the empty promises like candy and then whine about their belly ache.

    That only half of the people that can, vote.

    That we rip each other apart every 4 years in this country.

    That in a country where we are a melting pot, people use slurs and race and gender as "points" or "negative facts".

  3. I like that McCain is a centrist in politics and I don't like Obama being a racist socialist!

  4. Barry is a racist socialist.

    McCain is less lousy regarding just about everything

  5. "Because Obama is a racist socialist."

    Lolz, ignorant people like you shouldn't even have the right to vote.

  6. I'm a McCain supporter, and the one thing I don't like about McCain is his support for privatizing social secruity, wonder if Obama supporters can admit one thing they don't like about their candidate...

    Things I don't like about Obama;

    Fact; Barack Obama has went to 'this' church for 23 years, which means, he was 23 years old when he started going their, pretty young. 'This' church supports racism, and is unforgiving of the long years ago, they also support the teachings of "James Cone", founder of "Black Liberation Theology" (look it up on Wikipedia). 'This' church also gave "Louis Farrakhan" an award for the "most truthful and honest". 'This' church is against it's OWN country. And Obama didn't even resign his membership after hearing any of this, in the first days of the church, of him just then, sitting in the seats of the church, sat there with eagerly enough to come back, and stay a member. He later was married in that church. Then baptized his children in that church. And calls the preacher of 'this' church his "friend", "mentor", and "uncle", and none of that has rubbed off on him, I guess for 23 long years, he sat there just disagreeing with it all?

    Black Liberation Theology;

    "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."

    Fact; While other people around him put their hands over their hearts, he has his in front of him during the national anthem.

    Fact; McCain went to see our injured troops, Obama didn't, and when asked, he says that the pentagon wouldn't allow it, and then pentagon replies back that he is allowed.

    Fact; Obama pays his female campaign staffers less than the male campaign staffers, pretty hippocritical coming from someone that supports equal pay.

    Fact; Obama is pro-abortion, but he is also pro-partial-birth abortion. (opinion; him being pro-partial abortion is enough right there for me not to vote for him).

    Fact; Beyond all of the things that are said about him, his church, his associates, his experience, when you put all of that aside, you look at him as a person, you see him a politician that wants "change". One thing you cannot get around is what he votes, and he may vote "present" (which is congess' equilvalent to Undecided or No Opinion) 90% of the time he voted, one thing is clear, which is the votes that he voted "For" or "Against". He voted against the "Live Birth Protection Act", which is an act that protects newborns that survived the abortion, and that were born, even healthy, and stops the clinics from just leaving them in a room to die, Obama did not just vote against that bill once, but THREE TIMES!;

    Fact; Obama's VP; Joe Biden, maybe experienced, but he has a voting record that shows he is "anti-family", "anti-buisness";

    (just click on the joebiden ontheissues link, it won't let me post more than 10 links)

    Fact; Joe Biden, voted, and I quote "Voted NO on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. (May 1994)", "Voted YES on Bush Administration Energy Policy. (Jul 2003)".

    Fact; He also (Joe Biden) "Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)" but contradicted that by "Accepts Catholic church view that life begins at conception. (Apr 2007)".

    Fact; A vote against the Inhofe amendment was a vote against official English as our countries official language. Senator Obama voted against the Inhofe amendment in both 2006 and 2007.

    A vote for the Salazar amendment was a vote for a different language being our countries official language. Senator Obama voted for the Salazar amendment.

    Fact; Senatore Allerd, put all 111 economic policies of Obama, which Obama stood for, supported, and said would be good for America, the policies were put into a proposal, and was voted on. It was figured that Obama's own economic bill would cost taxpayers somewhere around 300  

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