
What do you owe your success to spiritually speaking?

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we all have various success in our life

to what do you owe that success, working hard, education and good breaks in networking in your career feild, following spiritual principles?

explain if you can as to why you were successful




  1. Awesome God.

    I praise Awesome God every morning every night. I am thankful throughout each day. I follw the lead of Awesome God, I show Love to everyone that crosses my path, I trust that Awesome God will provide me with what I need, whether it be a physical need or a spiritual need. I have faith that what I put out Awesome God will allow me to recieve.

    I have had my fair share of ups and downs, I will have many more before I leave this life and probably after as well. But I have a good life, a great life, I want for nothing except the Awesome Love of Awesome God.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  2. Success is not the acquisition of power, wealth, or stuff.

    Success is the completion of your mission, the understanding of your purpose, to become complete.

    What is the purpose of man?  To know God and to enjoy Him forever.  So by definition, knowing my purpose and knowing God is success.  I gain love, strength and hope in the process, and life beyond this one.

    Corollary:  It isn't about me, it is about God.  Everything I have, He gave me.  

  3. The only thing I'm succeeding at so far is raising my kids. And the only reason for that is my father's love.  

  4. Myself!

  5. Plog rolling, lots of plog rolling.

  6. I owe my success to my parents who never closed any doors.  I owe my success to helpful people along the way.  I owe my success to my striving to be the best I can be.

  7. High intelligence and hard work .

  8. By following the Biblical principles of seeking knowledge, by obeying my parents so that I might have a long life, by working (very hard) 6 days a week and demanding of myself that I take a rest on the 7th day, by being trained up in the way a child should go.

  9. "I could have been a contender" but chose the spiritual path instead. Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and Tantra in that order with some Paganism and some others on the side.  

  10. To my hard work.  To my intelligence.  To my desire.  I hate when people say I have a "God Given Gift".  Its taking all the glory out of my hard work and struggle.  The only thing I don't really work hard for and that could be called "God given" is my good looks, but still I do exercise.  

  11. I owe everything to Jesus!!

  12. My own intelligence and perseverance.  God hasn't helped me in the slightest.

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