
What do you pay for your child to attend Goddard or Montessori full time or part time?

by Guest56527  |  earlier

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What do you pay for your child to attend Goddard or Montessori full time or part time?




  1. Asking how much people pay for Montessori is similar to asking how much you pay for a used car.  It depends on many factors, including whether it's private or public school, the location, the programs offered, the amount of rent the school has to pay, etc. etc.

    Here are websites to contact Montessori schools in your area from the 2 largest accredidation groups:

    AMS Schools:  

    AMI Schools:   (Click on AMI/USA -->Schools --> School Listing)

    I couldn't find any information on Goddard's tuition.  I'm not sure if they have a set tuition or if that's left up to the individual branches.  Here's a web site with their locations:

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