
What do you people think about immigrants in italy?

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how r they now and how should they be?

what do you like and dislike about them?

what do you people consider about this matter?




  1. i d like to not see any!!!

  2. Hi, I'm American and live in Italy.....I agree with Ma dai.   Not all Italians are racist, but some are....just like in any part of the world.  I've noticed that Italians don't like the immigrants who come to Italy, don't work and steal or commit crimes.  If you are foreign, but work, are nice, and don't cause trouble then they don't have a problem with you.

  3. The Italians are extremely racist and don't like all the Third World types who are arriving in their country. The Rome newspaper, La Repubblica, spoke of a "Yellow River of almond eyes" moving into the Piazza Vittorio neighborhood in Rome. Italians commonly call street vendors "marocchini" (little Moroccans), regardless of whether they're from Senegal, Egypt, China, the Philippines, etc.

  4. Immigration is a world-wide phenomenon and it's going to grow up in the future. In Italy the problems about immigration are more or less the same as in the rest of western Europe. There's a large number of immigrants, expecially in northern Italy and in urban areas. They come mostly from Eastern Europe and North Africa. I don't think Italians are racist as a whole, although there are some of them, mostly in the North - East, where a racist party named Lega Nord is very strong. problems are coming from low profile criminality related to some immigrants. a sense of fear is growing in italian middle class about foreigners, due to media coverage of crimes made by immigrants. Immigration in Italy is a recent phenomenon (it started in the '80), so I believe that time will settle things. In the next few years Italian society will be multicultural, like northern european countries are today.

    to erlampo: you don't know a f**k  of what you're talking about, so why are you judging people?

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