
What do you people think of the English or British accent?

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Heya, Im from England and I was just wondering what people thought of the accent and why lol? And if you're not from England, what sort of British accents do you hear for example on tv? thanks :)




  1. For some reason, I cannot stand listening to English accents.  To me, the accent seems pompous and snobbish.  (This might be partly due to the fact that many people fake horrible English accents, which can get annoying.)  I know that your accent really has nothing to do with you as a person, but it takes me a moment to get over the way you speak.  I have family from England so I am used to hearing English accents when they visit.    

  2. I love the accent.  I like the educated "British" accent (like Prince Charles or Lady Diana's).  I can't understand cockney too well.  I noticed that the accent differs depending on where you are from.  That is, Manchester is different from New Castle-Upon Tyne.  It's pretty cool.  Wish I could speak with one.

  3. I didnt know England or Britian had an accent.

    I got East London accent and I dont sound like a posh jordey brummy scouser etc theres lots of accents but from what I know people love British accents I wonder why

  4. some i like and some i just laugh at, especially the guys.

    not trying to be rude; it just happens

  5. The Welsh accent is the best. When I think of English accents I think about the Queen

  6. Which accent? There's dozens of different accents in England.

  7. I kinda like it.

  8. I love my Bristolian accent as its very strong. I hate American accents, they do my head in. British is always the best.

  9. I really like the Essex accent.

  10. AS you are aware, the range of vocabulary and accent in the British Isles is huge. From the Highlands of Scotland to the Cornish coast, it varies tremendously. Our TV companies exploit a huge variety of different accents in attempts to reach different levels and cultures in our land. It really is a personal preference whether you find Geordie, Liverpudlian, Brummie, Norfolk, Devon, Welsh or Gaelic or the patois of rapspeak attractive. It is all changing as we talk, and our language develops and moves on leaving lots of words and phrases behind. Guess there is NO official British accent any more but I like to think that speaking clearly and intelligently without slang or rap is the best way to be understood in shops, offices or out in the town. TTFN.

  11. i love that accent

  12. Which English Accent? every different region has its own.  some are easier to understand than others.  Some are easy to liten to.  Others jar on the nerves.

  13. London accents are the most common. I like the welsh accent though

  14. It is good but not the best

  15. It is spiffing old chap.

    One must agree?

  16. I love them!

    They sound so intelligent & prim.

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