
What do you personally think of Joan Rivers, would you find her outspoken?

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  1. crass and vulgar

    occasionally amusing

    hypocritical by slating other people and attacking them when they criticise her

    other than that i have no opinion !

  2. i think shes great! More people should have the guts to speak their mind.

  3. a grotesque old harridan with a twisted sense of humour.

  4. I find her very funny but the plastic surgery is excessive and freakish at this stage.

  5. Hello Ms S-I think she was right in saying they ought to get their priorites right! not sure though what Russell Crowe would think of her description of him lol

  6. she's disgusting...her face makes me want to vomit..with every surgery that she's had.

  7. I have always found her profoundly unfunny, and more than a tad hypocritical. She feels that when she behaves in an uncouth way, she is breaking new ground, being brave and outspoken etc ad nauseum, but bitche$ like h**l if anyone steps out of line or tries to upstage her on her own shows!

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