
What do you pets do that is werid or unusual, funny?

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My parrot talks alot of the time, screaming the name out BOB! lol we have no 1 named bob or know any bob, lol and he also does the "grudge" sound from the movie, lol freaks out my sister he is crazy cat opens gates which is werid usually we think she'd jump over what does ur pets do?




  1. My dog will hide under desks and tables, even under small ones where she has to curl up in a ball. She is like a 55 pound dog.

  2. My kitten.. Well she's 1 year old now, can open doors.

    My cat sits on the car, and growls at anything that comes near him.

    He also sits on chairs and in trees and does this.

    My lil dog rolls around on his back. And he looks so stupid coz he's fat with lil legs. :) (he's a corgi X)

  3. I had a dog, Itsy Bitsy, that would get the neighbors lawn ornaments and bring them to me, kind of like a present. I ended up having a lot of neighbors that hated him.

    My friend Michael's dog, Dakota, gets strawberries and jellybeans and throws them all over the place. She'll toss them in the air and all kinds of stuff.

    My dog currently, Shuffle, loves to attack grass. You can grab a bunch in your hand and throw it at her and she tries to catch it all and she goes crazy and throws it all over.

    My old cat, Binky, always went to the highest place he could and he threw up off of it onto the floor.

    Our birds, we taught one to p**p on command and "go crazy" and it'd spin in loops on your finger.

    Our snake, Hemmlock, opens jars.

    I had a cat named Gravy, he would catch snakes and gophers and bring them to the front door step for us.

  4. Haha parrots are insane... years ago I had a friend whose family parrot would mimic their mom, it was the funniest thing. You'd be walking through their house and suddenly hear, "Chelseaaaaaaaaaa... Amaaaaaaandaaaa... stooooop..."

    My cat likes to stick his foot in his water dish... don't know why. He won't put it all the way to the bottom, he just touches the surface of the water with his foot, then drinks, with his foot still in the water. I can tell if he's just been drinking water when he jumps up in my lap because one foot will be dripping wet!  

  5. aww how cute!!! ^_^

    I had a cat that would lose his collar a lot and he'd bring in back from outside carrying it in his mouth... and he brought home an egg( a little birds one) with out breaking it! And he used to chase his tail! =P

    Also I this one cat that loved to sleep in the sink and put on the faucet to drink water on his own! =D  

  6. I have a pet frog that claps on command.

  7. My cockatiel will Wolf Whistle at any girl that walks into a room.

    And then will screatch at the top of his lungs "AHH!!! ROBBER!!!!!!!!!!" if a Man comes into the room that is not like my dad or my brothers.

    One of my Dogs "Bella" will ALWAYS smile!

    And One of my ducks thinks its a dog.

    ADD: Unholy, what a lie.

    Birds are incapable of learning how to p**p on command.

    They are unable to control their muscles in their "poopers" thus inabling them to control when, where and on who they p**p.

    Sorry, but thats a load of BS.

  8. My old dog (a pomeranian) named checo use to always get out of our yard and leave home, we never worried about him leaving because he knew his way around the neiborhood and he always came home shortly after. But once we see our little dog walking down the street towards our house with a car folowing him. and when checo came to us, this lady got out of the care and was like omg is this your dog because i tried to pick him up but he started graweling at me so i decided to folo him. It was cute. But a couple of years ago he passes away cuz we had to put him down :(

  9. I have a cat that sometimes sleeps on his head!!

    He gets on a chair and leans against the back, with his head on the seat and curls himself upside down and falls asleep!  I took a photo because nobody believed me!!

    How he manages to actually fall asleep in that position is beyond me!!

  10. Mine will run his wheel so hard he'll break it.(hammie)

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