
What do you pick for your life?

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ProLife (life)....or Prochoice (death) a spiritual sense of course!




  1. pro life. save the baby.  

  2. Pro life--for the woman's life!

  3. Pro life.

    So, what, exactly, IS life then?

  4. This question isn't making a whole lot of sense. Can you elaborate? I cannot choose one of these for my personal life because I am not a fetus and abortion isn't an option.

  5. If you think being pro-choice is "death"; then you clearly do not understand the word "choice." Abortion is never an easy choice, but it is however, sometimes the best choice. An innocent child does not deserve to grow up unwanted and unsupported because its mother was forced to have it.

  6. Pro-choice. Not pro-abortion, not pro-death; pro-CHOICE.

  7. Pro-choice is not death, it is choice.  Choose for yourself.  Don't choose for someone else.

    Pick for yourself as your question asks, don't pick for someone else.

  8. Pro- Life

    not all make this choice and they soon live to regret it

    Pro-life is life

    I choose life and life more abuntally

  9. I am pro-life.........all the way, my friend...............

    God Bless................

  10. Pro choice does not equal pro death. It means the choice should be left up to each individual woman. It is not my place to tell any woman what she should and should not do in that situation. That is for her to decide.

    Pro Choice (choice)

  11. Huh?  I've already been born.  I've got two kids.  They were planned.  I don't get what you mean by spiritual sense.

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