
What do you plan to accomplish before you leave this earth?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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Just curious to know how many ambitious people are out there online!~~




  1. When I was forty....I composed a "Bucket List"....those things I wanted to do before moving on....Following is the list...

    1.   Own my own business........  accomplished..    Oct 1999....

    2.   Travel to Ireland..................  .accomplished      Sept 2000

    3.   By a country home with an English Garden   ...June 1996

    4.   See the Vatican....................accomplished       Sept 2005

    5.   Send a worthy student to college....................   May  2000

    6.   Write a best selling novel...........not yet accomplished

    I have done all but one of the things I wrote down....I fully intend to complete the novel...and I fully intend to see it published.....with God's help.

  2. I have done everything I planned to.

  3. I plan to accomplish in my life time several things. Number one and most important would be to raise children. Number two would be to make a difference, whether it be donating to charities or finding the cure for cancer, I want to affect someones life and number three? I want to be happy within the people around me and within myself.

  4. I have probably done everything close to what I have always wanted to do! Although there are a few that have been left unfinished, and economics has played a part in that!  

    Winning the lottery has been on my list since I was little, wasn't called the lottery, but more of a question what would I do if I had a million dollars!

    My interest have changed some, since then of course, but still have things I would like to do, but have responsibilities, and for someone to take them over for a short time would take money to resume the rest of the things I would like to do!

    I have accomplished many of the things I would like to do, but have other interest too, and if my economics remains the same things will get left behind and unfinished! That is part of life, and even with a perfect plan there are always interruptions!

  5. Kick *** and chew bubble gum

  6. Stop on conformity

    be able to pass a medal of honour plaque for Vietnam war medal of honour recipients the ones who died, in DC

  7. I really like Phoebe's bucket list idea.  I think I will do that as well.  I would like to help others...currently working on my MSW.

    I would like to begin to work towards changing education  inequality in my community.  

    I would like to write a book....

  8. i plan to teach people those who are ignorant

    I plan to give people hope those who are despair

    I plan to help people those who need help

    I plan to protect people from devastation

    I plan to denote the truth and love against evil

  9. 1.  obtain inner peace and happiness

    2.  make a lot of money and donate to:  the salvation army (pay for the homeless to have a place to stay), meals on wheels (to as many people as possible) UCP.

    3.  be a wonderful grandmother

    4.  come up with an invention

    5.  write a book

    6.  learn something new every day

  10. I plan to change as many people as I possibly can, in ways I consider positive.

    To accomplish this goal, I work on various levels. First, I change myself, by constantly administering large doses of knowledge of many types. Medical knowledge is essential for the man looking for power, that's me, the power to change someone in the most essential way: direct physical intervention... surgery. So as I go by becoming a surgeon (I'm currently in med school, on my merry way), I also change the philosophy of many an individual.

    To do this, I base myself on debate. As I go by, I must constantly debate with everyone, that way, I learn how strong my current position is. When I notice a weak position, it's because it's untrue.. as long as we both debate WELL. If I am as good a debater as my opponent, then the winner tends to hold the most logically acceptable argument, and therefore the best one to adopt. That's the usual rule.

    To this day, I have made quite a few atheists, many many curious people, and I've influenced a lot of people to try to see things differently.

    Perhaps one day I'll make it into the UN or politics, but so far, I think it's more reasonable to believe that I could change things in medicine. Perhaps some new medical techniques or the fight for ethical eugenesia... i dunno, something, just to get myself the satisfaction. :P

    In the end, I'll be a professor, that's my final portion of the plan (not without mention: I do want a family at some point too). But yes, my final retreat will be to pass on the knowledge and genes to next generation.

    So there you have it, my plan.

    Not once did I mention money, money comes, money goes, experience is left in there for the rest of your life. Think about how you would like to look back at your life, and you'll know what you want and NEED to do RIGHT NOW.


  11. Fully aware of the fact that nobody will carry anything from here after death, I hve decided to be charitable  and do all sorts of help .  Most ofmy time will be spent on brooding over noble ideas and trying to make people refined and cultured.  I prefer to remain a voracious reader of great books which takes me to a higher level .  I feel that good books will make us more cultured and the belligerence can be avoided to a great extent.  Philanthropic temperement will sooth the mind.  Before leaving this world I want to make a mark as a writer. creativity is an inborn trait and I have to developthis trait.   U.K.Atiyodi, Kandangali, Payyanur, Kerala, India

  12. I Plan to do everything i hope to do like...

    TV/Radio Personility





    Basically the next Diddy maybe:)

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