
What do you prefer, Grain Vodka or Potato Vodka?

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What do most people prefer as far as Vodka goes, Grain Vodka or Potato Vodka? Also whats the difference in taste between the two?




  1. Potato vodka - besides being the original vodka made in its homeland, Poland (where it is "woda" = little water) - is by far the best vodka available, without a doubt.

    Those who disagree I would suspect of always mixing their vodka with a mixer.  That's ok, but realize a mixer can - and often does - cover the taste of the alcohol, making it basically irrelevant.  Potato vodka is best enjoyed ice-cold - straight out of the freezer - with no mixer to hide the taste of a fine spirit.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I prefer grain vodka; however, I have never had potato vodka.  

  3. winter wheat like absolut or pot distilled grain like tito's

  4. grain

    grain vodka has a cleaner taste than potato vodka, which is kinda oily in texture

  5. Usually between the two there is little to no taste difference.  It's only with fruit vodka that you can really taste the difference in the source of the ethanol.

    In general, however, grain vodka is pricier than potato, simply because grains are more expensive than potatoes.

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