
What do you prefer Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean foods?

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  1. Thai, because of the exotic herbs and spices.

    I do love sushi, though!

  2. Chinese because it's delicous and it's fried and i love fried foods. I also love Japenese food because i love sushi and i eat it all the time :].It comes in so many different kinds and that's the best thing about it!!!!!!!

  3. Chinese and Japanese foods are the best. I just like the flavor.

    Usually Thai foods are spicy. Not fond of spicy food.

    Just tasted korean food on an airplane and I just don't like it.

    However, we used to have a cook in the Philippines and her version of the Korean spareribs is really really good.

  4. I can't really tell the difference? I had food at Aberdeen Court yesterday, i don't even know what kind of asian cuisine are those, but it's really delicious, dimsum stuff....those veggie dumplings is absolutely good. I take out Chinese foods, never had Thai, or maybe but I don't know, Korean foods? Japanese yes maybe, sorry I don't know what I'm eating, but I do know that Chinese is the most common


  6. Thai is the best and shouldnt even really be mentioned with the rest of those foods. Its really different and much better. Definately more flavor then those other foods and with other influences, not just asian. Most americans have never even had thai food and will automatically say chinese because its more common. But theres not a website in the world that compares the 2 and says chinese is better.

  7. Thai.

  8. Chinese because its yummy

  9. More research (eating) is needed.  I don't think I've ever had Korean food.  I know I love Chinese food and Sushi (that's Japanese, right?)

  10. chinese because its got lemon chicken

  11. none of the above - Indian is best!

  12. 1st Chinese

    2nd Korean

  13. I choose em all because all have great food.

  14. Thai food is the best

  15. in the U.K, chinese food is really amazing. it is the best and the taste is like wow. especially curry.

    here in Australia, thai has a big place in takeaway. so many flavours of noodles, rice, chicken, soup etc. its cheap too.

    i hate japanese i.e sushi and seafood, and i have never had korean foods.

  16. Chinese food is the best

  17. Chinese..its my all time favorite

  18. I like all of these except Korean food. Fermented cabbage and fish just turns my stomach. Thai is my favorite though. LOVE the spices and peppers.

  19. Chinese / j*p

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