
What do you prefer cats or dogs?

by Guest34073  |  earlier

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What do you prefer cats or dogs?




  1. None, the only animal i need to take care of is myself

  2. dogs, you can actually interact with them and teach them tricks

  3. I prefer cats. My cat is as friendly as any dog, and never leaves my side when I'm at home. He's very loving, yet independent too. I don't have to spend time walking him (I just play with him at home), or training him, and he doesn't have any of the difficult behaviour issues that some dogs can develop. I also like his self control - he doesn't get overly excited about things like dogs tend to. I don't like the way dogs bounce around and go sill and clumsy when they get excited.

    Dogs are nice, but I'm not someone who wants to have to invest all that time and effort into training and exercising a pet. I study and have a full time job, so I just don't have the time or energy (or patience) for a dog.

    My cat suits me perfectly - and I suit my cat!

  4. i prefer cats

  5. i like both, but my beyond best friend is my dog midget

  6. dogs because they can attack strangers

  7. I prefer both, they are good in their own ways.

    While dogs are friendly, cats are obedient.

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