
What do you prefer?

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Nescafe or fresh brewed coffee, fresh cow's milk or condensed milk,,how much sugar do you usually add into your drink?




  1. fresh brew "JAMACAN BLUE MOUNTAIN"non dairy sugar     YUM

  2. I'd prefer fresh cow's milk. Mooo, natural farm goodness.

  3. Neither, for me.

    A good old fashioned, cup of tea, thanks.

  4. Fresh brewed, full cream milk, 2 sugars(14g). My fav coffee is the Buena Vista (3 shots of expresso, milk,& Irish cream flavouring) at 'San Francisco Coffee'.

    That your real name?

    Shahrul is my real name.

  5. I  thought you drink carrot juice only karen aka sarah :-)hehehe

    My favorite is plain tea aka tea-O, less sugar. Tea is good, especially green tea. It removes toxic from our body

    Sarah, what about bunny as nickname

  6. Freshly brewed coffee with no milk and 3 teaspoons of sugar.

  7. I am cutting down on coffee and i am starting to have green tea now. Nevertheless i still drink coffee.

    I have my lazy days, so on lazy days i would go for the canned nescafe original. On my happy mood i will go for cappucino. On my strict mood i will go for black coffee no sugar. So my husband knows what mood i am in just by looking at whats infront of me.

  8. The only time I really drink coffee is at work and they have a coffee machine there. So not much of a choice really: powdered coffee and powered milk and it tastes pretty awful. If I had a choice I would have freshly brewed coffee with fresh milk and no sugar :-)

    (yes your name, you mentioned something about using your real name as there are quite a few other Sarahs on have you got a cool name or a goofy name? hehehe!!)


    eh 'more man'? are you pondan Karen? lol hehehe!!

    "What's up doc" !

  9. Neither, i drink tea.

    hey sarah, how come you become a rabbit??hehe...

  10. for me two large spoon for a big glass..

    "karen" this name more enegetic.. more man i supposed..

  11. Nope, i dont prefer any coffee..only prefer the strong smell of it every morning!! weird no? hihihi

    anyway, fresh Earl Grey tea with Honey and lemon is perfect for me every morning!! Or perhaps Jasmine tea...hmmm..nice...

  12. usually 3 in 1 coffee.. senang nak buat

    if tea with teabag i put 5 cube of sugar (so its like pahit manis)
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