
What do you prize?

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is there something that you will never let go of ..

eX: [a symbol like a necklace ur mom gave u , so u prize ur mom and family, or a childhood place u went to that youll never forget or take out of ur heart, no matter how many miles ur away from it ]

what do you value?






  1. I guess it's weird but I don't have anything symbolic.  When I was a little girl my Mom died, we were very poor and the state came and took everything to pay our debts.  Since losing everything at a young age, I just don't get too attached to things, except for my car and my car means freedom to me.  As for the rest, I just prize my memories.

  2. I value the love and acceptance of family and friends.

    I value good health and the opportunity to live in a country (Australia) free from wars and oppression, with so many opportunities and freedoms.

    I value my relationship with God and His grace, love and forgiveness.
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