
What do you procrastinate the most about doing?

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What do you procrastinate the most about doing?




  1. Housework I hate doing it. I mean all of it but it has to be done.

  2. responding to questions

  3. homework.. thank god schools about over

  4. dusting my house.... next: paperwork

  5. homework

  6. for me homework and cleaning up

  7. ~~~Yard work! Don't mind it when I finally get started, but it takes a long time to build up the energy to get out there and get going. Sure do love the way it looks after some grooming and elbow grease though!~~~

  8. Everything and anything...I like the added challenge of time pressure.  :)

  9. EVERYTHING. especially essays, but hey, i work well under pressure. =)

  10. emptying the litterbox when my wife is out of town. Nasty! Nasty! job.

  11. The house cleaning. Ugh!

  12. processing college loans

  13. I do it and when i get mad because i  did not get it done the anger moves me to act.

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