
What do you put as experience on your CV if you have never had a job?

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What do you put as experience on your CV if you have never had a job?




  1. Any relevant experience , for example looking after children? babysitting? ask the person you do it for if they'd give you a reference. How you think you'd cope ? Or you could just write something along the lines of: "Although i've never had a job. I'm punctual and never late for targets." ETC

    Good Luck x

  2. Experience does not necessarily have to be paid work.  Perhaps you helped to run a club at School or College, or belonged to a Youth Organisation. It does of course depend on what job you are seeking, but often hobbies can be relevant in a CV, such as being skilled with a computer, doing DIY repairs in your home. Perhaps you have been a volunteer with some organisation. I have certainly found myself that unpaid or voluntary activities can be just as relevant in a CV, as paid employment. Good luck with the job hunting.

  3. Anything you think is an important thing to tell your employer. Say anything that you think would help the employer to choose you from a list.

    Think that if there are two people on a list that have the same qualifications except one has one a dog show - which one would he choose??

    The one with more life experience.

    Even little jobs like babysitting or cutting grass. You could say that you won prize at school for best essay or whatever - you can think of stuff...

  4. any life experience that is relevant to the job, for example a job in childcare you could say about looking after siblings or babysitting etc....

  5. you leave that section out, if you have done work expierience you can include that otherwise do not put that section in.

  6. You could add any voluntary work or work experience.

    Did you do work experience placements while at school? Or have you helped out anywhere, e.g. a club?

    You should indicate that it was work experience or voluntary work though rather than a paid job.  

  7. Single most important thing to be honest!!

    Tell lies,  exaggerate, bullshit, etc will always be found out

    Everyone  has to start sometime...tell them its a first time will  probably be the most important factor that they will look at.

    Good Luck!!

  8. This is where voluntary work helps, as it gives you experience. Say perhaps you were treasurer or secretary of a youth group, or helped out an animal shelter. You could write about what you had learned doing that. Do you have any extra-curricular activities as a student? You could be in the debating society, or something like that.

    If you haven't done any voluntary work, I would take some up, smartish.

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