
What do you put your baby in when going out for a meal?

by  |  earlier

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i haven't been out for 3 months and i was just wondering what you guys put your little one in while your dinning out

i was gonna use the pram - but it is big and i don't want to cause a fuss with other diners




  1. carseat is best and most portable

  2. I tried NOT to use the infant carseat. My peditrican strongly discourages the use of it unless actually in the car or you MUST. She informed me that the carseats have caused the # of "flat head syndrome" to more then triple in the past 2 years! I always used the stroller. I would get a four chair table and put the stroller on the inside, away from other diners. Also I learned how to hold a baby and eat! Its simple, just be sure to put a napkin on his head.

  3. We just used the carseat until the baby was big enough to join us at the table for the meal.  Baby usually slept through our eating...

  4. I keep my daughter in her carseat carrier.  Most restaurants have "slings" for holding the carriers so the baby is up at the table with you.

  5. im never arsed to carry around a car seat so i just hold my son

  6. When he was little I just left him in the carseat and either sat it in a chair or on an upside down highchair. Now, he is old enough to sit in a highchair and eat with us.

  7. just place the baby on the stroller with some finger foods,strap him her up safely

  8. the carseat will be fine, especially since the baby is so young, she'll probably just sleep. :)

    go enjoy!

  9. When she was little I would usually just bring her in in her car seat, she would sleep through the meal or we would play a little (tickling her feet, etc.)  Depending on the space in the restaurant and whether or not it would be a busy time we would sometimes bring her in in her stroller (pram), I found that to be the easiest, she was entertained with her toys, we could easily feed her, she could see very well from there and if she started to get fussy we could rock her back and forth a bit.  Now that she's older (13 months) we bring our own little compact portable booster chair.  It is so much easier and CLEANER than using the restaurant's high chairs.  Not to mention it has it's own little tray so I can lay out cheerios or whatever for her to eat.  Most people will be understanding in whatever you choose to bring your LO in with, they like to watch cute little babies :)  So, go out and enjoy yourself!

  10. When my son was 11 weeks he stayed in this car seat, either I put it on a chair or at the end of the table so he could see us. He's now 6 months and I'll put him in a high chair only if its the chair ones. (not those stupid wooden ones with just a strap stopping them from sliding out)

  11. At that age I left him in his infant carseat/carrier. you can flip over a regular restaurant high chair and set the carseat right on it and it stays securely in it.

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