
What do you rate yourself in terms of looks from 1-10 ?

by Guest58553  |  earlier

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what physical aspects of yourself do you like the most and would you rate yourself from one to ten? and why would you rate yourself that high (or low)?




  1. i think any women who answers this is a complete ***** and should probably take all those numbers that they just said and subtract 7 from each of them and that will give you the real answer. any person that says hmm well i have a pretty face so i'll give my self a 8 is pretty cocky and vain. you could ask what is your best feature and i could tell you my eyes but i sure and h**l wouldn't rate my self. stupid women.

  2. It depends on what kind of mood Im in and the time of day i would have to give a range of 6-8

  3. What's wrong with thinking you are attractive.

    I'd much rather be around a confident person rather than someone who thinks they are fat and ugly.


    My feelings on myself depend on the day, how my hair is behaving, and my attire :) so it varies.

  4. Rate:

    9 for looks

    10 for body

    What I like about myself:

    I love everything about myself. I am blessed with long glossy dark brown hair, UK size 10, 36E - 26 - 36, blue eyes and 5ft 8".

    Why I rated myself so high:

    I rate myself that high because my husband says I look like a cross between Martine McCutcheon and Goldie Hawn and I think both of them are attractive. That might sound arrogant to some people but it's not's just I am happy with what I have and who I am.

  5. I have a lovely face- so 7.75 for that

    My body is a downer...if you are 5 ft and 60 aren't the Nicole Kidman of the a decent 6 for that...

    I'm a confident person and I wouldn't like to rate my self poorly so...!!!

    Overall 7.5/10

  6. My body is pretty good, i'm a hardcore athlete, i'd give my body a 9.

    My face is ok, ehhh i'd give it about a 6, maybe a 7.

    so my average is 8.

  7. I am 6"2, and very athletic ( i did muay thai and boxing for three years) i have a good looking face and i have never had problems with my looks, i am actually a little vain and metro sexual when it comes to my body but not in an excessive manner (i hope)...i previously allowed people to view my 360 profile but i don't anymore because some troll went there and stole a pic (go figure)....overall i think i would rate myself anywhere from 8 to 9 one is a 10 because no one is perfect. The part of my body that i like the most? I won't say it because people wll think i am conceited...

  8. An 11 :)

  9. I would say about a 7.  I like my eyes and smile.  I don't consider myself to be gorgeous, but rather a natural beauty.  I like to think that my inner beauty is what should count and that my dear, would be a perfect 10!!  ;)

  10. I'd give myself a 7.5. There are things about myself that could use some improvement; I'd like to be taller, for a start, and my body isn't quite as hard as I'd like it to be.

  11. i'd rate myself at a nine, on a good day.

    i'm TINY, both short and thin, great hair, good b***s, cute face, s**y legs.

    i rate myself high because in the last couple years, i've realized how hot i really am. my entire child hood was spent hating my body. now, i love it.

  12. What's with the superficial question?

  13. I've been told I look like Charlize Theron (with b*****s and thinner).  I'm tall, blond, blue-eyed, thin - size -0-.  So, not my opinion, but based on feedback - 9.  Maybe too thin for most taste, but I'm very small-boned, so it is a good weight for me.  Since I used to do Ballet, and still take class, I need to be thin.

  14. -10

    yes that is minus 10.

    im honestly very ugly.

  15. Well...I'd say, when I'm confident, a 7. I don't think I'm ugly at all, but I'm deffinately not a 10. I don't know who is a 10.

  16. Honey, I'm off the grid...

    and out of your league


  17. I like my face in general.  I think I am pretty and approachable.  I think I have a really pretty smile. I would give myself an 8.  I give myself an 8 because I am confident in my appearance. And even though confidence isn't physical, it makes people 20 times prettier!

  18. I used to give myself a 3 on a scale from 1-10, but now I think I am a 8.  I have a pretty face and blonde hair and blue eyes.  I am losing weight and becoming a lot more confident.

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