
What do you really know about remote viewing and its results for the govt

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Now be honest. What do you REALLY know? All you quasi-scientists, please refrain from arrogant, stiff-necked answers. I might be watching you! :-)




  1. It worked.

    They used it.

    They 'officially' closed it in 1995.

    I know the project name that was used after it was 'officially closed'

    I know that they did correctly predict WTC and 9/11 but the task was sabotaged because they were tasked on 'who would be blamed' and not the actual perpetrators. People within the US government actually blew up the towers but that is how they knew who would be blamed. Because they tasked the remote viewers that gave them the answer they sought.

    I know the name of the current project and the annual budget.

    Next question? Don't ask me to give up any government secrets. I would never be able to prove the answers I gave you. You know how that works.

    There is far more to it that just these simple facts. All major countries do it and use it. Russia, China, England for absolute certainty. Most major companies that have come out with new leading edge products.

    Jules Verne and Tesla were just two notables from history that used it with regularity and in their work. This is just a rediscovering of what the major religions and governments have tried to keep hidden forever.

  2. Being that I wasn't a participant... not a thing. In spite of the research done, all of the data that I've amassed, I wasn't there. Therefore, knowledge cannot exist. "Knowing" is only possible if someone personally experiences the result. I can say for reasonable certainty that the program existed and that it was intended to develop ESP for use by the government for intelligence purposes.

    Before I go further with this (and I will) let me respond you your emotional baiting, which I found to be offensive, ill-mannered, irrational, illogical, and intentionally belligerent. As such, it was confrontational and counter-productive.

    I admit to being arrogant and stiff-necked. However, I resent being called a quasi-scientist... I'm not any kind of a scientist, merely an investigator who is interested in finding out what the truth is, even if science says it can't possibly be true, or if all the believers in the world tell me it is. Science won't back me up with discovery of the truth using modern methods and equipment, and the believers tend to want to prove that what they believe is true so badly that they'd sell their firstborn. Me, I'm somewhere in the middle: skeptical, and pissed off that nobody will actually take the time to do real research to find out why people see these things all the time.

    I believe what I believe because of my own experiences, not because of silly superstitions or what others have told me. I'm a little more free-thinking than that.

    If you're going to be irrationally skeptical, or irrationally non-skeptical, then the truth will always be outside of your reach. I consider my duty to the truth higher than my duty to myself. Therefore, until I see a serious scientific effort underway, this field has me to contend with (unless I manage to find someplace where I can actually obtain a real, non-mill degree with knowing what I know).

    In the meantime, I'm basically stuck doing my own research in the best way I know how, generating base data from which scientists might someday be able to make hypotheses on which to synthesize real experiments and studies, and I will do my utmost to prevent anyone else from telling me what to think, believe, or understand without actually examining the evidence at hand.

    So, continuing with the answer to your question, in researching it (starting this week as a matter of fact), the claims made in support of it are either astounding or complete BS (Bachelor of Science, of course... what did you think I meant?).

    However, in seeing the results of several tests on television (on one Penn & Teller episode, as a matter of fact), and now having study materials to see if I can somehow develop it, I'm learning a lot more about it.

    Remote Viewing was actually officially admitted to by both the CIA and the Department of the Army, but the program's status is unknown. There are no closure documents available for public view (according to a reporter-friend of mine who asked for them last year under the FOIA), which would be a requirement if they had actually closed the program. They can, however, transfer the program without closure to a private group, which could then close it.

  3. They watch what you do to yourself in bed at night, then tell me about it.  FOR SHAME!!!

  4. I know this from first hand experience as the VICTIM, anyone can keep you under remote viewing without your knowledge. The govt will do nothing to stop it and apparently its VERY VERY VERY hard to prove and impossible to stop. What this consists of, is a very expensive set of devices of which the remote is installed in the attic of your building or a nearby apt. The person controlling it. turns it on and can actually view or SEE me NAKED in my shower or on my toilet or anywhere within the range of the remote. Anyone with a moronic mentality and is too stupid to report it to the police can make $5.00 an hour from a pervert and keep the money and never tell the cops who is doing this and where the remote is viewing from.

    The US govt doesnt waste its time on citizens, its seeking terrorist networks and organized crime. they can move around also in vans and prepare remotes from telephone pole, cable tv and dsl servers...

    its so vast its hard to explain.

    But stupid people keep it preying upon victims and continue to victimize that person because its so freaking hard to STOP.

  5. I don't think I qualify as arrogant or stiff-necked, and I'm just a workingman. But I read an unusual book called MIND-REACH by Targ & Puthoff back in the 1980's. There are some others who worked on STAR GATE (the name of the government project) who have DVD's and books out. I've also searched remote viewing on Yahoo and found some good sites. A few even have amazing drawings by remote viewers.

    Those are some possible sources of information available to the general public. Believe or not as judgment dictates.

    Last note; I kinda think the government would be selective about whatever information they release. There may or may not be aspects of the government remote viewing projects which are known only to a select few.

  6. What do I know?Like everyone else,nothing.I can only make conclusions based on evidence.

    I can say with certainty,all the remote viewers here(on Y/A) are full of foofwraw.I can also say there is no real hard evidence for it.

    The government experiments did happen.Were there positive results?That would mean a conspiracy of hundreds if not thousands.As I always say,at most 3 people can keep a secret.As long as 2 of them are dead.

    The most likely answer to me is the simplest.Remote viewing is not something humans can do.

  7. Perhaps I’m cheating in a way, since I was a member of the government remote viewing program for 7 years, and was not only a viewer, but the unit historian.  So I know lots of things about the program, both from personal experience and study, much of which I have written down in my book and various writings on the Web (I know, for example, that RV really does work, but that it doesn’t always work; I know the conditions under which it works best and worst; the sorts of targets that are easiest and hardest to do; and what targets were successfully addressed by the military viewers).  But other folks can come to know a great deal about the program, not only from published books (some of which are not particularly accurate, unfortunately!), but also by trying it themselves (on the website of the International Remote Viewing Association there is a short article on how to do your own simple RV experiment).  A huge amount of info specific to the RV program is now available in the declassified CIA Star Gate archives.  These 12,000 documents are available to anyone to buy, and much of it is now posted on the Web (one website mentioned below) for free.  One of the answers posted here brought up the final government study that professed to find that RV was of no value.  What most people don’t know is that the study was done _after_ the program was already cancelled, and ignored approximately 98 per cent of the available data.  This means that some of the study’s conclusions are not especially relilable.  Within the now declassified archives is considerable evidence RV actually works, and that it _was_ in fact useful on various occasions.  (BTW, the documents pertaining to the closure of the program are also available in the archives.)

  8. I know they claimed they closed down the program because they didn't think they were getting their moneys worth.  They say they didn't believe the results of the program were significant.  I don't see any reason to doubt it, although I am sure some will.

  9. why must poeple believe what theyre told without even attempting to experience for themselves? im convinced from personal experience that esp is a valid human ability but like all talents, not everyone is good at it. nor are there many outlets for a skeptically pre dispositioned person to recieve training to aid their progress in a very practice recquisite skill. the military did and does. those in the know dont want you to believe. i challenge you all... what color are my panties?

  10. Oh, lots, altho you likely know most of it- I have at hand "Remote Viewing Secrets" by Joseph McMoneagle, a handbook, yet, of the hows and whys of RV. I consider it vague but true: all particulars are adroitly sidestepped ("National Security", y'know) but enough shows thru to establish RV as factual.

    Charles Tart and Harold Puthoff worked together at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) which apparently was eager to accept 'Black Money' for questionable research on RV, with little acknowledgment to foreign and hippie sources down the coast. You did know that Russian researchers were sharing info in California in the '70's, yes? Any kind of psychic research devolved into an arms race. Mind control? O'Yah.

    Currently, feel free to suspect that we all are more transparent, thanks to our voracious databases, and more interpersonally, your very thoughts and dreams are subject to surveilance. Just try something..

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