
What do you really think about Germany?

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first at all, hope my english will be good enough *ggg*

What do you think about , if you here Germany or Germans.

Is it really like , Sauerkraut , Berlin .......

What ist your first thought ?

Thanks an have a nice We:-))





  1. Having lived in the  'German speaking' part of Switzerland for over 30 years, my first reaction is: 'That's where they speak German which I can understand'

    Second reaction is: 'When I'm in Basel, I'll pop over the border and buy some real Cheddar cheese.'

    Sauerkraut? Maybe once a year. Berlin? Great city.

    Thinking of visiting places like Leipzig or anywhere in the former DDR.

    Baltic coast? Not really, spent too much time as a child in Blackpool and Morecambe in the North West of England, sheltering from the 'breeze' - 'Brise' which was more like a hurricane - 'Orkan'

  2. Lovely neighbours.

  3. I am singapore .non you can singapore

  4. The best country in the world. Bakeries on every street, the beer is cheap, the people are great, transport is cheap, and the cultute is second to none

  5. I have made some great friends in Berlin. It's a fantastic place. Exiting, clean and safe (if you stay away from parts of the old East). I really really-really recommend that you take a week's holiday in Berlin. Hotels come from around £30 B&B per Room to £>70 per person. Depends on what you want and your budget.

    Flights can be from about £40 from Stansted or Bristol. Check the Easyjet/Ryanair/British Airways websites. Going by train is very expensive from London. Driving will take about 12 hours if you don't stop and share the driving.

    It's much cheaper than London, much more organised (and safer) than Rome and the people are much less "snooty" (and more welcoming) than Paris. The public transport system (BVG) is totally integrated, excellent performance and clean (apart from the excessive graffiti, which is surprisingly widespread compared with London).

    The Germans are so well orgainsed, it's almost as if their (genuine) c**k-ups are planned. Although people say that they have no sense of humour. That's not true, Germans have a great sense of humour - you just have to take it very seriously.

    German beer is usually of a high standard. If you go there then drink locally brewed beer instead of the "international" branded stuff - which seems largely biassed towards the American taste for bland soapy flavours.

    On the whole German native cooking is nothing special unless you like variations of pork, potatoes and cabbage. Which just happens to be amongst my favourate foods. You will also find that they like beef steaks too.

    Try genuine kohloulade mit kartoffel in the winter with Berliner Weissbier. Yummy!!!

    They don't have the British tradition of empire so they have little 'imported' cuisine (other than the ubiquitous Chineses or American burger dumps). Therefore you will find it hard to get a decent curry, even in Berlin. The thing they call a curryworst, sold by most 'imbiss',  is really just a rubber saussage smeared with spicy tomato ketchup - in a small bread roll, Yuk!.


  6. I went there for 2 weeks last March. It my experience they are extremely nice. I visited several cities. It is an amazing country and I hope to visit it again. I am still talking about it ALL the time. I am actually hosting some of the people I met over there right now. Although I do have to admit that I do not like Sauerkraut.

  7. Ich besuchte Muenchen und ich habte deutschland sehr gern.  Ich habte die Speise und die Museums sehr gern, auch.  Ungluecklicheweise,  der "shopping" in deutschland ist sehr, sehr teuer.

  8. I like Germany! I learn German at school [but I'm c**p at it]

    The first thing I think of when someone says Germany is the Brandenburg gate in Berlin.

  9. Techno! German are so good at electronic music they blast the UK (not to mention the poor French touch or poorer Italo disco). Berlin has more parties and afters than London and Paris together. Minimize 2 maximize!!!

    Beer. So good, not as tasty as the Belgian one but more aprorpriate if you are thirsty, you can drink a bunch of these, they are so good.

    Fun. Not as many young persons than in other European countries but if you are a teenager and do not have piercings, or green hair or anti war stickers, you might be abnormal.

    Alternative. So many artists squats in Berlin, weird (and cheap) bars and clubs in Koln, the nightlife is definitely great.

    And, as mentionned above, the highways that are so cool!!!

    Could I speak German properly, for sure, I would live in there

    Have a nice week

  10. when I think of Germany or Germans I think of an ex-girlfriend called Silvia who was very nice, and who I was stupid to dump, and  a very pleasant trip to Hanover last year.

  11. When I think of Germany, I think of......... How astonishingly picturesque it is!    The beautiful small towns....The more beautiful German Women! (I met a beautiful German girl from Augsburg and had some of the best times of my life with her!)...Octoberfest.....One of my best friends who lives in Dresden......Riding the DB trains all around.....That it's one of the oldest countries in the world.....I think of all the wonderful medieval history...The great rivers....Rhine and  Danube.....The Romantic Road....The train ride from Augsburg to Munich....The nightlife...singing with friends in the Hofbrauhaus...Most of all the GREAT lifelong friends that I made while there and have still to this day!

  12. There is of course a lot of the usual sort of stuff written about Germans - rather like there is written about us Brits - and perhaps some of it is true for both nationalities.

    Both nations appear to like beer!

    My husband and I went across to Berlin last year for a week, taking in the Christmas markets.

    It was truly magical and I cannot say enough good things about the German people that we met.

    I am the daughter of a man who fought in WWII - and very proud of him too. It was he who taught me that the Germans were doing in the war exactly what the British were doing - trying to survive. Wars can make strange friends as well as enemies.

    I think that the younger generation do not even think about the war now anyway - and Germany is seen as a industrial and successful nation.

    I would certainly return to explore other parts of Germany - it is a very beautiful country and not so very far away!

    Your English - by the way - is 100000 times better than my German - so congratulations!

  13. I lived in Germany 8 years, but before I was there my father told me many nice things about Germany (he had a German teacher in the university).  The first subject, which we hear about Germany in my country, is about the 2nd WW.

    I learn to love the culture and the language: Ja, ich kann Deutsch sprechen und meine zweite Heimat ist Heidelberg. Früher habe ich Deutschland oft mit Österreich und die Schweiz verwechselt...

  14. ehh? i dont get you

  15. Hi,I love Germany because I was born there and it`s my home.

  16. Well they took two of our institutions and revamped them and made them more presentable without destroying their original presence, Rolls Royce and Minis.

    They are brilliant frankly.

  17. It is such a big country, there is not really one Germany or for that matter one typical German. I am not really struck on the filth of the Rhur area no more that I would rave about Runcorn, but there are many beautiful places, particularly in the South of the country. The north in towns such as Hameln, there is an old world charm and Hamburg has all the fun of a typical merchant port. Berlin has everything of a modern capital, and more. Culturally Germany has given the world more than it's fair share in terms of music and literature. Architecturally excellent. Beer's great. So that's Germany....on to the people.

    They range from stuffy Hannoverians and Paderborners through the worldly streetwise Berliners and Hamburgers to the fun-loving Bavarians. In short, in Germany there is something of everything and something for everybody. I even like 'imbissing' at lunch time and when the pubs shut !!

  18. innovative hard working smart good food fighters invented the automobile and diesel engine and many many more !!

  19. I loved germany,i spent a lot of time in gutersloh,westphalia ,and Berlin.I really enjoy the food and culture.thank you for asking ivonne.

  20. I did german for 5 years at school & i think they're alright, all they want peace and thats the main thing.

  21. ok, my dad lives in germany and i visit him whenever i can, im 16 and i love it there!

    the policing is top notch, in england i would be scared to go out after11pm for fear of what young yobs would do to me, but in germany we can wonder round the town centre and have a meal past midnight if we want to, without even catching a glimpse of yobs or druggy's.

    as for the food - it is sooo nice! some of the nicest foos i ever had ;).

    also the people in germany seem nicer and always willing to help, whenever we ask for directions smeone is always willing to lend a hand

    the place i go to is wiesbaden in hessen. thats where my dad lives

  22. Hi Ivonne.

    I'm from Spain! I like Germany!

    There are thousands of germans living in

    Spain and a i like them! Germany is a beautiful


  23. Your english is better than most ive seen on here....The first thing I ''Thought'' of was the funny leggings and hats,  then it was The Third Reich,  (Kreig)  I only knew  about germany from the old black and white photos....After I came to Germany (Bravaria/Bayern))  i decided to live here and I love it....some things a little behind but not really...pretty much modern as in the U.S....The houses are built better and seems almost everything here is built to last and not built to break like in America.

  24. I love Germany, part of my family come from Ravensburg and I have spent many happy holidays there.

    My grandmothers cooking was so wonderful, and yes, she made sauerkraut but I remember all the jams and breads and biscuits too.

    I love the clean streets and the friendliness of everyone I met.

    I will go back again one day I hope!

  25. The first thing I think of is the clean country.  The open highways are appealing to most males.  Of course I remember the nice people and the great food.  Germany is a great country.

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