
What do you really think about eating fast food?

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What do you really think about eating fast food?




  1. Fast foods are disgusting. They taste nice because they are cooked in fatty oils, which are gross. You don't know what the fast food restaurants do to them before they serve the food to you. There was a news report awhile ago about Hungry Jacks or McDonald's actually spitting in the burgers. Yuk!

  2. It's only good when you're dying of hunger. Other than that, don't make it a habit.

  3. it's not the best for you but if you are in hurry to eat it will do the trick

  4. It's a guilty pleasure that I know I shouldn't do.  Plus, I'm always worried someone will have sneezed in my food or not washed their hands after going to the bathroom.  It's just too d**n convenient.

  5. I like it sometimes, but I would prefer to go sit in a restuarant and have someone serve me RIBS and a big baked potato with everything on it.  and have you pay the bill...LOL  just being silly.

    I like to eat out and I cannot lie.  I like the convenience of someone else doing the cooking.  and the price is not too bad either.  I don't worry about the nutrition too much.

  6. They have great taste, but they are way bad for your body. That is why people should eat fast food at least three times a week. For me, that is a lot. I rarely eat fast food now. If I ever do go out to eat, I pick subway. I always get a simple six inch sub with some apple juice. I never pick any chips or cookies. That is a healthier meal than Big Macs and Whoppers.

  7. My 9 year old son suffers form migraine headaches. He would get them 1-2 times a week. After cutting out all fast food and school lunches the headaches have stopped. I think it is all the chemicals that are put in the fast food that were causing the headaches. Now we eat a all natural diet and he feels great. Fast food is cheap food and you get what you pay for.

  8. I think it's deadly, the more fast food you eat, the faster you die.  They don't call it fast food for nothing.

  9. it is the most unhealthy thing eating one burger would be worse for you then having one smoke..ppl smoke for like 50 years everyday 20-30 smokes a day. if you had fast food 3 times a day everyday you would be in hospital or dead within a year.

  10. It's soo bad for your health in the future. When you're older, your body will feel it's effects if you keep eating it. It's good occassionally but I try even then to go for a healthier type of fast food such as subway.

  11. just depends what place it is..

  12. don't eat fast food that's not healthy.. most of them contains high cholesterol

  13. Yes, I do.  I only have McDonald's or Taco Bell once a month.  There was a time where I ate fast food one or twice A DAY, so I have improved tremendously.

  14. just once in the week cause it is harmful to our body

  15. If there's one word that I could describe about fast food; that would be ADDICTIVE! I know I'm not supposed to eat them with all those fat and calories thing going on, but sometimes I feel helpless because they just taste so good! ;)~ Luckily for us, there are a lot of healthy fast foods available, so that shouldn't pose a major health threat.

  16. I really used to love it, but now I find pieces of bones in ground meat or some huge piece of grizzle or blobs of fat.  It makes me want to get sick.  If I eat anything now at fast food places, I order something with no meat.

  17. first of all I don't get the whole term "fast food" there is naught fast about the process !

    and secondly most of it is devoid of any real taste

    other then that ...... its ok

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