
What do you really think happen to the boy who got dicapitated in six flags?

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A 17-year-old boy was killed by a roller coaster at a Six Flags Inc amusement park in Georgia on Saturday after entering a restricted area, park officials said




  1. He climbed two security fences to get back his hat he had lost on the ride, and a bar from the ride cut off his head. Why he was standing so close to the ride or why he didn't ask one of the ride operators to get it for him we will never know.

  2. Well i think his head got cut off, so yeah that what happen... Any more silly question?

  3. I dunno but I never got news of this. Maybe they kept serial killers there secretly to work for the park at minimum wage!

  4. The hat thing is a rumor. I wish people would stop stating it as fact. I live in Atlanta and on our local news they stated that he was jumping the fence as a short cut to get inside the park. Six Flags stayed open and they opened the Batman Ride back up right after the police investigation was over.

  5. I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time...

  6. He was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be, and the result was losing his head.

  7. He shouldn't have been climbing over the fences into areas were people aren't allowed. There's a reason they have fences up, so morons don't walk in areas where you can get killed. I personally feel this was Darwinism at work.

  8. He lost everything.

  9. The kid jumped a fence to retrieve his hat that he lost while riding the coaster.  

    Looks like he won't be wearing the hat any time soon.

  10. Six Flags more flags more fun. Bat Man ride took his head off.

  11. He lost his head. What else?

    When there's a fence that has a "Restricted" sign on it, it's probably there for a reason. He jumped two of those.

  12. That's why they have restricted areas... to keep people from getting hurt... obviously, there was good reason for it being a restricted area......

  13. What do you think happen? The teenage boy played stupid, now look.  Pry for the family.

  14. that's what happens when someone doesn't want to follow the rules.. just like the kids that was teasing the tigers do something stupid and serious consequences happens

  15. Do you mean is it a cover up? Well you never know, six flags has a lot of fast moving parts. I am sure it can be dangerous.

  16. it would have been better if he was decapitated..or even dickapitated.

  17. I am pretty sure that once you are decapitated your dead because once your head comes off which is attached to your head, then you die. Just as if you would when your neck breaks. Plus, it was all over the news and it is what makes sense.

  18. omg i know about that because i was at the park when it happened ok so this is wat happened the 17 year old boy was tryind to sneak out of the park because he didnt want to pay the high food prices so wen he wanted to come back to six flags than he realized that once you leave the park than you have to pay to get back in so he didnt want to pay the admission price again so he hopped some fences that led him to the batman so while he was passing through than he decided to jump up and touch the peoples feet while they were dipping down and wen he jumped up than the roller coaster caught his neck and decapitated him so sad. iknow.

  19. Oh, that's sad. I heard that he had climbed two 6 feet tall fences that have warnings to stay away. He still climbed anyway to get his hat that fell off during the ride. I know that's what happened. If I hadn't heard of the case before, I would've thought that his friends dared him to pull some stupid stunt like by grabbing on to the roller coaster or some c**p like that. How devastating...

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