
What do you reckon I'll be able to do after 12 ice-skating lessons?

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Round and round? Forwards? Backwards? Do a spin?

I'm a complete novice i can only go round pretty shabbily. But I'm going to have 12, 30 minute lessons, in a group of ten.

What do you reckon my skating will be like then? I went to ballet school for my education so balance and coordination is good.




  1. Forward and maybe backward crossovers? Snowplough stops... spirals.... t-stops? Two-foot spins, maybe one-foot spins and a waltz jump too maybe.

  2. not much but try to go for a lot more like for a whole year then you could do a lot more than you think!

  3. i guess that pretty much depends on wut level your on. the links posted will be level descriptions on wut u need to know and learn before you move on. one is for isi and the other two are for usfsa basic eights and usfsa basic freestyle.

    isi- ice skating institute

    usfsa- united states figure skating association \

  4. After about 12 lessons, you'll probably have a good grip on all the basics.  You'll go over things like falling down/getting up safely, forward marching, 2-foot glides, 1-foot glides, swizzles/grapevines, basic stops, backward glides (one and two feet), backward "wiggles," backwards swizzles/grapevines, 2-foot turns, pump circles, mohawks, probably crossovers (forward and backward) and maybe even 3-turns.  Because of your ballet background, you'll probably progress quickly if you're coordinated.  You will most likely cover all the very basics of forward and backward skating and depending on your progress with that, probably move onto a little more advanced things like 3-turns (a one foot turn done on each foot, forwards and backwards, on both blade edges -- inside and outside) and probably even a 2-foot spin!  I think because of your background, you'll progress rapidly.  :)  Good luck!

  5. Every skate school is different but this is what I learned my first class.

    Falling in Recovery

    Forward strides and glides

    Forward swizzles

    Backwards Skating

    Backwards swizzles

    Forward on foot Glides

    two foot turns

    Snowplow stop

    Forward curves on two feet Forward 1/2 swizzle pumps on a circle

    Forward Chasses

    Most of the basics

  6. definately:

    Forward and backward swizzles,

    snow plow stop,

    2-foot glide,

    1-foot glide,



    forward crossovers

    bunny hops,



  7. okay you wont get a lot a jump and may be a spin and you'll be a ble to go forwards and back and stop but after youre done with group lessons take from a private coach if you actually wanna go some where

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