
What do you reckon this dream - with a cicada in it - is about?

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This morning, I dreamt about a black plastic bin bag on my bedside chest, and there were flies (grey-spekled house-fly sized and black ones about as big as this asterisk *).

Then in the middle of the floor on the rug was a creature that looked like a yellowy-greeny-brown cicada from the front, but from the back, looked like a dragonfly (Or it might've been a cicada and the 'dragonfly body' was actually its back legs).

Then I went out into the upstairs hall, where Mum was there too. I asked her what the creature was and she said she didn't know.

Then she threw a massive cube of Oasis (that gritty greeny-blue foam you put plants in) by the stairsand it rolled about like a dice (but didn't fall down the stairs and stayted pretty much in one place as it rolled) .

The cicada climbed on it as the Oasis rolled and evetually got stuck inside a hole in it. The tips of its wings, its back legs and its abdomen were poking out.

I'm terrified of insects - less so of cicadas as I like their singing - normally, but the flies didn't bother me much (I did feel grossed out seeing the bin bag, though).

I was a bit afraid of the cicada but I sort of instinctively knew it didn't mean any harm.

In previous dreams, it's just 'sat'/'stood' on one spot and the room/landscape it's been in has never been as vivid as the one I dreamt about last night. In fact the room has always been pitch black with a lone spotlight on the cicada.

I'm sure the cicada means something, but I don't know what. More later on




  1. Insects in dreams may indicate our feelings of insignificance and powerlessness. To dream of flies is to be aware that we have certain negative aspects of our lives that need dealing with.

  2. black is an unfavorable omen..flies are petty annoyances and minor irritations arising from the jealousy and envy of those around you   if you killed the flies or got rid of them you will soon sort out the trouble makers in your also dreamed about a mixer of colors which to me says tells me success and  and security

  3. try this site its good for dreams n stuff

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