
What do you recomend I do? Should I withraw from my college course or get a W , or something else?

by  |  earlier

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I joined a class that I didn't need to take, but I just found out that I don't need to take it about 2 days ago.

I thought I needed to because there was a mix up with the guidance counselor and she didn't know I had already fulfulled the requirement previously.

It's about 3 or 4 weeks until the end of the semester now and on top of it, I haven't come to hardly any of the class meetings because my car was basically totaled while I was attending school and living pretty far away during the semester.

So what should I do?

Should I re - take it again, retake a class I don't need to take again so that I can maintain my GPA to get into a good school? Or ?




  1. Speak with the teacher about giving you an incomplete for now and tell her a date that you think you can have all the course work completed.  Turn it in that day and she'll call in your final grade within a week or so and you'll get the credits.  

    I did this with one of my classes, it took 2 months and about 4 phone calls 2 in person visits but I completed the class and made an  A doing it!

  2. talk to an advisor at the school. u may be able to get the grade stricken from your record by a department head.

  3. I work at the local community college in my town and we tell the students that it's better to get a "W" for withdrawing rather than getting an "F" for not attending. Getting a "W" for the class won't count towards your GPA. Or if you do complete the class and get a "C" or higher your guidance counselor might be able to get that class substituted for a different elective. You should go see your counselor and see what he/she recommends.

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