
What do you recommend from Madrid in a short 4 day trip?

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What do you recommend from Madrid in a short 4 day trip?




  1. Lots of things to do in Madrid. If you're into art & paintings you have to go to Prado Museum, Centro de Arte de Reina Sofia, Palacio Real (Royal Palace), Retiro Park & lots more within the vicinity. Although you need to check the schedule, there are days that they close. The Prado Museum is open on Mondays & it's free. There's a lot of shops if you love shopping, but some of them close during siesta. You can also go to Plaza Mayor & Puerta del Sol & check out Museo del Jamon. Make sure you do some tapa-hopping. Have fun!

  2. Try the 3 day weekend plan which leaves you one day free for another attraction or excursion:

  3. Spend one day a least in the museums (evidently only if you like artwork)... El Prado and Museo Thyssen for classical works, The Museo Reina Sofía for modern art...and there are several smaller museums also worth visiting.

    Take a side visit to Aranjuez and visit the Palace and gardens, or Toledo and visit the whole town (you can go by rapid train). Either one is worth a days visit.

    Do the typical things... Have some "Tapas" at any one of the cafés around La Plaza Mayor (for example) have some chocolate con churros (hot chocolate & crullers) for breakfast at a café near the Plaza del Sol, and go window shopping at the nearby shops on the little side streets. El Corte Inglés is the best department store in Spain, and there are several in Madrid.

    If you understand spanish, go to the theater one evening.. Madrid has fantastic theater programs all year. Or the Opera at EL Teatro Real.

    Visit the Palacio Real and Catedral de La Almudena (the military museum is located just between them on a lower level).

    Take a taxi and ask him to drive you around the main monuments: Parque del Retiro, Plaza de España, Correos & La Cibeles Fountain, Gran Via, or ask your hotel to give you a map, most hoteles have them with many of the monuments and main places to visit marked on them, and then spend your time just walking about and enjoying the sites!

    No matter what you do, you will find that four days aren't enough to visit everything worth seeing, and you will want to come back!

    Spain is a magnificent country to travel in!

    Enjoy your stay!

  4. Catch a game at the Bernabéu.

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