
What do you recommend? waxing, shaving, or nair?

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this is about hair removal for LEGS by the way! i just want to know which you girls find to work best? i just waxed my legs and arms today and it's not the pain that bothers me, it's the amount of time and effort it takes to actually remove all that hair. and on top of that...i got some BAD bruises on my arm from not ripping off the wax correctly. ahhh! i wonder if these bruises will go away?! they look horrible!

anyway...please tell me what you guys use and how it works for you? =)




  1. i would suggest shaving, it doesn't take too long!!

    when u use nair it doesn't get all the hair and it grows back the next day!

    and waxing sounds like it didn't work for u!

    try the new venus razor its what i use and it make ur skin soft and u have no hair for about a week!

    good luck and hope this helped!!

  2. I find waxing my legs is excruciatingly painful. I can't even do it, it's that painful.  Nair isn't very effective, I wouldn't rely on it.  Shaving's the best bet.

  3. shave  

  4. Nair gives me rashes. Waxing just hurts and always leaves weird marks, or doesnt get all the hair off, takes so long. Shaving..I hate works.

  5. I would rather shave.  Of course u know waxing hurts and nair just does not work for me.

  6. nair is sooo good

  7. Waxing completely removes the hair from the follicle and takes 4 weeks versus shaving or a chemical depilatory which just dissolves the hair on the surface. If you can afford it always have a professional esthetician do you're waxing and make sure they are licenced in cosmetology, or esthetics's. If you do this yourself you risk bruising, burning, and skin removal. However IF you do do this yourself always pull the strip at an angle. Apply the wax at a 45 degree angle and leave a thin film of wax NOT THICK and NEVER pull up these are what causes bruising. test the wax, and NEVER EVER reapply wax to the same area you waxed before this causes more problems. I hope this helps you out! I

  8. Nair is just annoying. I used to use it and I hate having to go over a spot because I didnt use enough of it and somtimes it kinda burns. Waxing I never had the guts to do yet, because of the pain and as you said it takes soo long. I like shaving The Best. I dont need to, but I shave everyday in the shower. I dont use soap, just water but its got to be completely soaked. Then i moisturize my legs very well. And by not using soap or shaving cream, it actually dosnt matter. Same effect both way, and this is hassle free. I literally take about under a minute shaving. I just go over quickly and I dont need to takevery long because I shave everyday so you'll have perfect legs everyday( and arms if you do that).


  9. Usually .... people do waxing in beauty parlors.

    Because very little people can do it right.

    -I do waxing there, which usually lasts about a month w/no hair.

    -Shaving.....Welll, twice as much grows, and people can easily tell you shave. and that (if) you have hairy arms.

    -DONT USE NAIR. first off, i have bad experience with it because of its DISGUSTING ODOR. I did it in the shower, which, even after soap and everything, IT STILL STINKS.

    on top of all that, when wiping away your hairs, it quite gross.

    You can still smell the nasy smell after like two days.

    By then, your hair has grown back, and you'll have to re-apply it.

    The smell comes back.

    Keep a shaver at home for needed times, but waxing is recommended.

  10. shaving is the quickest and easiest.

    although make sure you get a good quality razor, so you dont cut yourself

  11. I usually shave

  12. I shave. But here is my opinion:

    Shaving: Doesn't last long enough. Easy and painless(minus cuts you may get) but the next day you're all prickly!

    Nair: Can be a pain and though it last longer than shaving, can really irritate your skin. Can irritate the skin and doesn't always remove every bit of hair

    waxing: the best option but can be painful, time consuming and expensive, especially if professionally done. Definitely one of the more painful versions of temporary hair removal, I like that it last long and when the hair grows back it is soft but diy'ng it is not always the best idea, especially when you're covered in wax after 2 hours, half of your skin is gone and your dog is walking around the house with green/yellow globs all over him.

    Overall, I think you should try them all and just do what works for you. Shaving may work for one girl but that doesn't mean it's going to work for you, just like waxing isn't universal.

  13. Nair works well, but if you want some thing a bit more permanent  you might look into laser hair removal.  

  14. Buy an Epilator - it's the best!  plus your hairs don't get thick and dark, and they don't regrow as quick!

    Buy one  

  15. Well if you have the money go get everything waxed because they do it quick and someone else is ripping it off not you, but shaving is quick and less painful, I dont reccommend nair it smells and burns

  16. I've asked some of the girls at school and they all recommend waxing because if you shave or use cream the hairs grow back darker and faster. Don't worry about the bruises, they'll go away in time. Waxing thins out the hair and makes it grow back more fine and makes it grow back slower. Hope this helps!

  17. I would use veet.

    It is painless and effortless and leaves you with AMAZING legs.

    I use the veet shower one and it is amazing. It takes a short amount of time to. do follow the directions since you can hurt yourself if you don't.

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