
What do you regret the most in life.

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Hurting the person I love the most.




  1. I regret all the energy I spent worrying over things that eventually worked out.  All that time, energy, and effort making things harder than they had to be...I can see that now, but at the time I didn't.  But at least I learned from that realization, so now I can tell myself not to worry so much when I catch myself repeating those old patterns.  So maybe it's not something to regret after all, since I did learn that important lesson.

  2. Nothing that's constantly on my mind. I think i conquered those demons a while ago.

  3. i think i regret all my regrets equally. so everything i regret i regret the most in life.

  4. honestly, the way i lost my virginity. i was too drunk and he didn't mean anything to me. i would redo it a different way, if i could.

    i redo it all in my head sometimes.


  5. being bad to  my grandma

  6. I never regret for anything that I have done.

  7. I don't have regrets.  I can't do anything about the past except make the people who I have pained realize I was stupid at the time because I am human and I am learning from my mistakes.  I try hard to be empathetic and help others learn so they don't make my mistakes but they will just like I did.

  8. I love this question and as for the people who said they don't have regrets. I have to disagree cause a regret doesnt have to be life changing but can be simple like wishing you wouldnt have taken that extra serving of food, or something else not of importance saying you dont have regrets has become a cliche of sorts and is almost expected when asked this question.

    as for me giving up on the girl that meant the most to me i wish i could take it back and often have dreams that show what could have been  

  9. i live life regretting nothing. i have nothing to gain from regret.

    what do you regret most, question asker?

  10. Breaking up with my girlfriend two years ago.  I've always wondered what my life would be like now if I hadn't dumped her.

  11. my regrets

  12. being anorexic two years ago. it really messed up my life

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